View Full Version : First Officers - How many hours a month do you fly?

Crab Fat
14th Jun 2001, 01:11
Just wondering how many hours a month you boys rack up. To get you started, a mate of mine:

TP F/O SE based:

Did 70 last month (60 is average).

How many stand by days? 6 for him!

This this normal?

[This message has been edited by Crab Fat (edited 13 June 2001).]

14th Jun 2001, 01:30
I think you need to explain a bit more about what this has to do with Wannabes. While I decide whether to send this to 'Questions' and you think about your reply, here's a start for you:

Virgin 742 F/O. Between 45 and 90 hours/month. Most months have 5 days on standby, usually called.

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

Wee Weasley Welshman
14th Jun 2001, 13:35
About 85 hrs a month, 5 standbys, rarely called (low cost B733).

More for the Questions forum I think.