View Full Version : Space X-L-M and Boeing for military space

19th Nov 2017, 01:48

glad rag
19th Nov 2017, 07:58
There's only one of those that offers real progression the others are legacy outfits tied to mega $$ per launch

ie SLS =Senate Launch System ;)

Lima Juliet
19th Nov 2017, 08:04
This bad boy made a faultless landing at Edwards this week :D

The Sieera Nevada Dream Chaser carries up to 7x astronauts.


glad rag
19th Nov 2017, 08:17
This bad boy made a faultless landing at Edwards this week :D

The Sieera Nevada Dream Chaser carries up to 7x astronauts.


That's cheap it doesnt even have a nosewheel!!

19th Nov 2017, 09:26
This bad boy made a faultless landing at Edwards this week

from the awesome height of 10,000ft.....

19th Nov 2017, 17:48
That's darn near two miles up!

Lima Juliet
20th Nov 2017, 19:42
Wheels are so last century, don’t you know? The nose skid removes weight and the chance of an uncontrollable blow out on a tyre that has been cold-soaked in space. Oh, and it was 12,400ft to demonstrate the glide approach :ok:
