View Full Version : French Gliding License to FAA

6th Nov 2017, 21:20
Hi everyone,

Does anybody have any information or done a glider pilot conversion (EASA) to a FAA license ? I heard in the states, gliding hours could count in the flying hours requirement to get the CPL (A).

Thanks for your answers and help :)


7th Nov 2017, 00:50
You don’t need a conversion to count the hours.
You’ll need your logbook so an examiner can verify your aeronautical experience.


For a CPL you only need 100hrs in powered aircraft. So you could count as much as 150hrs of glider time.
But depending how much powered flight experience you already have you may not be able to fit everything required in the 100hrs.
Ask if you have any additional questions.
So realistically you’ll probably end up with counting less then the 150hrs gliding.

7th Nov 2017, 14:00
Thanks a lot B2N2. In terms of flight experience I have:
*300 flight hours (gliders) in the French Alps
*40hours SEA and hopefully getting my PPL FAA this week

After the PPL I take the Instrument and then the Commercial. From what you told me, I will certainly be able to count these hours done in France toward getting the minimums to apply for the CPL. That's great news! When you say "You’ll need your logbook so an examiner can verify your aeronautical experience"; you're talking about the commercial checkride when I will submit all my flight experience ? Because these hours are from a different country, should I contact the FAA so they can check it and legally approve it ?

That's good news if the gilding hours count for the CPL flight time minimums. Should I contact the FAA to approve my French logbook ? Any ideas how it works ?

However, I don't understand when you say I can use 150hours from gliders.
I can use 50hours glider to comply with the condition (1); the condition (2) requires 100hours PIC, 50hours airplane and 50hours Xcountry (with at least 10hr Xcountry airplane). I am not sure Xcountry time done with a glider count toward this minimum...

I came up with 50hours max from gliders. Am I right ?
