View Full Version : Stolen gliders

2nd Nov 2017, 21:02
Six gliders have been stolen from AVIATOR gliding club in Denmark. The locks to the hanger were drilled out and all six gliders where removed from their transport trailers and probably loaded onto a truck. The six gliders missing are of the following types and carry danish registration (OY):

The registration, serialnumber, manufacturer and type of the aircrafts are following:
OY-RGX, 101077, Centrair Pegase 101A
OY-XPD, 4-183, Glaser-Dirks Flugzeugbau GmbH, DG-400
OY-XPX, 4654, Rolladen-Schneider Flugzeugbau, LS 4
OY-XRF, 4788, Rolladen-Schneider Flugzeugbau, LS 4 a
OY-XRG, 6217, Rolladen-Schneider Flugzeugbau, LS 6 c
OY-RAX, 28, Schempp-Hirth Flugzeugbau GmbH, Duo Discus T

Please PM me if you have any information regarding these stolen aircraft, and I will relay the information to AVIATOR gliding club.


google translate:

Professionals behind theft of gliders
North Jutland police have issued international inquiries on the six stolen glider aircraft from Aviator Aalborg gliding club in Aars.

North Jutland Police believe that there are professional thieves who are in charge of the thief of six gliders from Aviator Aalborg gliding club at the airport at Aggersundvej 107 in Aars.

A theft that took place in the period from Monday to Thursday at 11 am, where two members of the Gliding club discovered the burglary and the missing gliders.

- Yes, I have to say that. It's no plane you get in a regular station car, it sounds laconically from police officer, Preben Møller, from Local Exploration Himmerland to the question of whether it's a professional theft.

- We have descriptions of the planes and we are launching an international inquiry on the aircraft. There are, of course, many gliding clubs in Denmark, but we think they may well be over the border. If they have been taken abroad, we want to make sure that the aircraft are also wanted outside of Denmark's borders, according to the police officer.

Police technicians have been on Thursday afternoon and have been present at the aerodrome tonight to find possible traces of perpetrators.

- If anyone has seen activity in and around the aerodrome over these days and nights, if there are more cars in the area, then it's interesting to us. Then we would like to hear from people, says the police officer, who says it's the first time he has experienced stolen gliding in that way and in such a big style.

2nd Nov 2017, 21:17
I think you need to post MSN's and any other aids to identification. I can't see how these won't be traceable in such a small world.

2nd Nov 2017, 21:35
Will do so as soon as I get the info.

3rd Nov 2017, 16:01
aircraft serial numbers
OY-RAX 28/294
OY-XRG 6217
OY-XRF 4788
OY-XPX 4654
OY-XPD 4-183
OY-RGX 101,AO.77

Strange to take gliders and leave trailers behind. I would be very suspicious of anybody eager to buy a trailer - which then will need work to fit to the glider.

Did they take the logbooks?

The original logbooks would be evidence of guilt. Cooking up 10-25 years of phony logbook entries will be a challenge.

Without skillful packing, there's a good chance that the gliders will be damaged in transit..

3rd Nov 2017, 20:10
Did they take the logbooks?

The original logbooks would be evidence of guilt. Cooking up 10-25 years of phony logbook entries will be a challenge.

No, the logbooks were not kept in the trailers, so they are still with their rightful owners.

3rd Nov 2017, 20:26
Did they take the logbooks?
The original logbooks would be evidence of guilt. Cooking up 10-25 years of phony logbook entries will be a challenge.

They most likely have, probably before the heist was even discovered, already gone to a country where no one is going to care about absence of any paperwork... and that any individual who did care about such matters would be well advised to walk on by for their own continuing health.

3rd Nov 2017, 21:55
More likely these gliders or parts of them will reappear as 'repaired' gliders. Its not unusual for badly broken gliders to be used for spares, a wing here, a tailplane there, even sizable sections of fuselages being spliced together. Otherwise their identities will be swapped with those of already wrecked gliders which will take to the air again in the near future after 'a protracted rebuild'.

3rd Nov 2017, 23:12
Strange to take gliders and leave trailers behind. ..

Not strange at all. Which would be more distinctive on a motorway, six glider trailers or one large anonymous lorry?

4th Nov 2017, 02:56
Not strange at all. Which would be more distinctive on a motorway, six glider trailers or one large anonymous lorry?

6 trailers would need 6 tow vehicles & 6 drivers as well.

A and C
4th Nov 2017, 08:50
Mechta is on the right track, the whole glider is a liability in that it is traceable, these aircraft will be re-introduced to the market as parts in repaired gliders.

I very much doubt that the parts will show up in Western Europe as the industry is well regulated. The place I would be looking would be Eastern Europe, the chances are there will be some remarkably fast & cheap repares going on.

Good composite repairs are difficult to spot by all but the expert eye so if you are offered a very well repaired component please check it’s provenance, especially if any data plates look suspect.

4th Nov 2017, 10:51
I've shared on Flyer Forum and Facebook to spread the word.

10th Nov 2017, 20:57
As a response to theft of 6 glider from our club in Denmark last week, Inter Hannover will pay a reward of EUR 10.000 for information that leads to that all aircrafts are returned to their owners in functional condition. See attached

Jens Bonderup Kjeldsen
Chairman AVIATOR - Aalborg Svæveflyveklub

11th Nov 2017, 21:44
Maybe stolen to order for a private club in Africa or the former Soviet Union?

27th Dec 2017, 17:04
One of the six stolen gliders .... for sale !
LS6-18w Prague - WWW.Segelflug.DE Kleinanzeigen (http://www.segelflug.de/osclass/index.php?page=item&id=22184)

27th Dec 2017, 20:55
Brazen or what ? And I note that it's advertised WITH a trailer when we know it left the victim's hangar without one. So where did THAT come from ? Thanks for heads up WW

28th Dec 2017, 00:31
An image search on Google shows that is not a recent picture, but was taken in 2010. Indeed, one occurrence is on a recent article about the theft.

So I wonder whether the advertiser has temporarily used a generic image found on the internet, prior to loading their own.

Or maybe it really is the same one.

29th Dec 2017, 00:33
Aviator Gliding Club is aware and the police was informed on the 26th when the add was posted online. The picture have now been changed, so maybe its a legit seller that picked the one picture from the internet that he should not have picked.