View Full Version : A320 TR

female pilot70
23rd Oct 2017, 03:09
Hi All, would any airline in Asia hire me if I did a selfsponsored A320 type? My issue is I am female, living in Hongkong, flying a businessjet but my contract ends soon and because of my gender its hard to find a new job in time. I am getting tired of this instability and thought an airline job will solve this. I am well experienced with over 4300 hrs. Thank you. No discussion about pay to fly please.

23rd Oct 2017, 06:49
With that sort of time you could easily find a non type rated gig in Asia.

umop apisdn
23rd Oct 2017, 07:04
I was under the impression that females were either equally, if not more likely to land flying jobs than males. Might be just my area though. Is Asia a little more backwards in that regard?

Good luck nonetheless.

female pilot70
23rd Oct 2017, 10:29
Unfortunately not. I was represented to an owner but he did not want to hire a female. Flying bizjet now. Thx for your responses:)

Flying Mechanic
23rd Oct 2017, 11:44
Apply to Eva Air Taiwan, they will rate you on the 330/321 if you want to fly Airbus. You need 500 jet. I am x Eva myself , pm me if u want more info.

24th Oct 2017, 14:58
try EK/SQ...if you get through they will rate you on the A330/A380

24th Oct 2017, 15:00
also try Air Macau, they are still hiring non type rated people i believe, requirement 1000hrs multi crew.

They now have 2 female pilots... big minority, but the change has started :)

Plastic fantastic
25th Oct 2017, 17:58
Why not apply to Dragon and/ or / via Cathay? You are in Hkg and hold the appropriate resident visa, don't you? Self sponsored endorsements always end up with issues, like below standard training( I have had to deal with it). If an airline thinks you are worth the punt they will pay, bond , whatever. I know of a low cost who paid for a female with a couple of hundred hours in lighties and no currency to move to the 320. No way that would have happened if she wasn't a female, let me tell you.

Plastic fantastic
25th Oct 2017, 18:03
Forget SQ , unless you are Singaporean.
The Middle East is a good bet. You will be a captain in 5 odd years if they keep expanding but, a life far removed from HKG.