View Full Version : Red Arrows 'High-level teamwork'

Kiting for Boys
17th Jul 2002, 08:05
Today's Times

"As the red, white and blue smoke trails colour the sky over Farnborough next Monday, Jenny Dempster, will be holding her breath. For she and her boss are vital members of the support team behind the stunning and seemingly effortless aerobatic spectacle....."

For more go to

Chris Kebab
17th Jul 2002, 08:17
err, and your point is?

17th Jul 2002, 15:33
What does Squadron Leader Johnson mean - she denies the job is glamorous. “There is a lot of travelling and I go with the engineers in the Hercules, not in the jets,”

Surely it doesn't get any better than the back of Albert with a butty box. We've even thrown in a pax oxygen system!

Wee Weasley Welshman
17th Jul 2002, 23:07
** Thread Creep **

I've never had much of a thing for the Reds but this evening they were talking to Bristol radar same time as I. One had to admit they at least sound punchy as hell.

Wonder if they'll ever put together a team equipped with the Typhoon... now that would be something to bang the drum about :)


18th Jul 2002, 05:56
So thats why the cannon was removed from Typhoon. they needed somewhere to fit the tank for the red, white and blue smoke dye. :D :D