View Full Version : 30th Anniversary

23rd Aug 2017, 12:28

It was on August 22nd 1987 that the final air show at RAF Binbrook took place, which makes you stop and think.
Gosh where have those years gone? :rolleyes:

23rd Aug 2017, 15:48
ISTR it pissed down. I have a photo somewhere of IB doing about .98 and getting a photo of a perfect shock wave. Had a great time there in Handbrake House 80-82

23rd Aug 2017, 19:15

It was on August 22nd 1987 that the final air show at RAF Binbrook took place, which makes you stop and think.
Gosh where have those years gone? :rolleyes:


The Last, Last Lightning Show as billed IIRC.

That stream take-off and return over runway burner pull-ups in the strange yellow gloom and pouring rain is still etched in my memory :ok::cool:

But, 30 years ago :\

23rd Aug 2017, 20:43
It doesn't seem to have been that long since that very wet day! Come to think of it, if I am only 35 how could it be that long?

Art Smass
24th Aug 2017, 02:26
Fond memories ....

Having said that the wife went down with bronchitis after for which I was eternally blamed.

The multiple lightning take-off and vertical into the cloud brought a tear to the eye though

seem to recall a certain Shytorque drove a Puma there for that show

24th Aug 2017, 17:19
I seem to recall it was Chris Allan,who was leaving not Ian.


24th Aug 2017, 21:56
I was there too, I remember the rain, the weird sky and the multiple take-offs, and a strange sense of melancholy.

25th Aug 2017, 14:23
Eldest son, now 45 was with me that day. says he remembers it vividly, especially the rain. Also on another occasion (retirement of John Platts) a planned overflight of Neatishead, which somehow resulted in a zoom over the Bacton Gas Terminal