View Full Version : VTBD

6th Aug 2017, 02:12
I very good reason to avoid this airport where possible.

It's all queue much | Bangkok Post: news (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1300583/its-all-queue-much)

I spent 2 hours queuing at immigration last month after a 1 hour flight so not a one off.

Additionally, there are now road closure issues outside adding to the misery.

8th Aug 2017, 15:25
Bangkoks Airports had been highest rated before.
In recent years a missplanning in the development and the significant increase of flights lead unfortunate the airports overcrowded.
At VTBS they working on it now, some years to late, but at least the wheels did start to turn...it will be a pleasant airport again. So need VTBD as well an upgrade...patience is demanded!

Metro man
9th Aug 2017, 00:50
VTBD was going to be relegated to maintenance/cargo/parking when Survanabumhi opened but with the huge increase in traffic, due largely to the growth in the low cost sector, it had to be bought back online.

AirAsia had to move their operations over there to reduce congestion at VTBS which quickly reached its design capacity.

Whilst definitely not as nice as the new airport, I find a late night arrival around 11:30pm involves very little queuing. It also has a number of bus services into various areas of the city and a train station.

It's always worth ticking the box for "nearby airports" when doing a flight search involving Bangkok or you could miss out on some good deals.

9th Aug 2017, 02:56
VTBD was going to be relegated to maintenance/cargo/parking when Survanabumhi opened but with the huge increase in traffic, due largely to the growth in the low cost sector, it had to be bought back online.

AirAsia had to move their operations over there to reduce congestion at VTBS which quickly reached its design capacity.

Whilst definitely not as nice as the new airport, I find a late night arrival around 11:30pm involves very little queuing. It also has a number of bus services into various areas of the city and a train station.

It's always worth ticking the box for "nearby airports" when doing a flight search involving Bangkok or you could miss out on some good deals.

Late night has been the problem time recently