View Full Version : Refurbished ex-US Army Blackhawks for Australian waterbombing/EMS.

28th Jul 2017, 18:34
Ten to start with, option for another ten.

World-first refurbishment of Black Hawk helicopters for firefighting and disaster relief in Australia under new agreement | Australian Defence News & Articles | Asia Pacific Defence Reporter (http://www.asiapacificdefencereporter.com/articles/1216/World-first-refurbishment-of-Black-Hawk-helicopters-for-firefighting-and-disaster-relief-in-Australia-under-new-agreement)

28th Jul 2017, 18:45
World-first refurbishment of Black Hawk helicopters for firefighting and disaster relief in Australia under new agreement | Australian Defence News & Articles | Asia Pacific Defence Reporter (http://www.asiapacificdefencereporter.com/articles/1216/World-first-refurbishment-of-Black-Hawk-helicopters-for-firefighting-and-disaster-relief-in-Australia-under-new-agreement)

this seems to work!

28th Jul 2017, 21:38
this seems to work!

Thank you!

Old Fella
29th Jul 2017, 05:34
Good news, which could have been a really great development made even better had at least some of the C130H Hercules gifted/sold to TNI-AU been retained in Australia, refurbished and modified for use in aerial fire-fighting.

29th Jul 2017, 07:48
Old Fella - plenty of retired C130s in the US ripe for the role. Just need a company to come along to purchase them. Just like Kaan Air and Starflight did with the UH60s.

Old Fella
29th Jul 2017, 11:49
Old Fella - plenty of retired C130s in the US ripe for the role. Just need a company to come along to purchase them. Just like Kaan Air and Starflight did with the UH60s.

HK144, I was referring to the ex RAAF C130H's gifted/sold to Indonesia. There would be plenty of pilots, and flight engineers especially, willing to fly them I suspect.

29th Jul 2017, 12:33
plenty of retired C130s in the US ripe for the role.

Not according to Coulsons who operate C-130 firebombers. They're switching to the B737-300 and have just purchased six from Southwest Airlines. First air tanker now under conversion.

West Coast
29th Jul 2017, 16:48
I follow Coulson on another site, they seem to embrace the Herk, just put another online and I believe one in the pipeline.

30th Jul 2017, 05:28
Old Fella - I also agree; however, I didn't see or hear of any companies lining up willing to purchase and operate them.

Old Fella
30th Jul 2017, 11:13
Old Fella - I also agree; however, I didn't see or hear of any companies lining up willing to purchase and operate them.

Maybe because they had already been gifted/sold by the previous Federal Government.

30th Jul 2017, 13:46
Seems the "worlds first" headline is a bit over the top as Firehawk UH-60's/S-70's have been flying for years.

30th Jul 2017, 22:08
RE Coulson C-130's, please read this..

Coulson to convert 737?s into air tankers ? Fire Aviation (http://fireaviation.com/2017/05/21/coulson-to-convert-737s-into-air-tankers/)