View Full Version : NCO Charged In Destruction Of Three Humvees

5th Jul 2017, 20:57
The US Army has charged an NCO following an Investigation into the destruction of three Humvees during an Air Drop Exercise in Italy.

Soldier Charged in Humvees' Free-Fall | Military.com (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/07/05/soldier-charged-humvees-free-fall.html?ESRC=todayinmil.sm)

5th Jul 2017, 22:06
I didn't realise they were so costly.

Rhino power
5th Jul 2017, 22:22
I didn't realise they were so costly.

Up to $220,000? Doesn't sound that expensive, I assume the $220,000 figure is for a fully up-armoured, tricked out version...


5th Jul 2017, 22:49
If it was an officer, I assume it would be viewed as a jolly jape?


5th Jul 2017, 23:12
If it was an officer, I assume it would be viewed as a jolly jape?


Only if he offered to pay for the damage......

6th Jul 2017, 04:53
I didn't realise they were so costly.

If I recall correctly, the civilian version Hummer retailed for around $100,000. Arnold Schwarzenegger has (or at least had) one.
Saw one of the civilian versions many years ago maneuvering through Seattle on I-5 as I was driving home from work. The lady driving appeared terrified as she tried to change lanes with the 8 ft. wide behemoth in rush hour traffic :rolleyes:

6th Jul 2017, 10:15
Its been watched so many times on YouTube perhaps they will chip in towards his defence!

6th Jul 2017, 10:48
Oft said that we are separated by a common language but no; just as I expleted 'kinell' one of the 'voiceover' chaps did too. :)

6th Jul 2017, 11:09
Only if he offered to pay for the damage......
...by the 10th of the following month!

6th Jul 2017, 11:13
Reminds one of the 70's VW "drop" adverts

7th Jul 2017, 10:22
Regrettably, known a lot worse happen on a night exercise :sad:

7th Jul 2017, 10:52
Oft said that we are separated by a common language but no; just as I expleted 'kinell' one of the 'voiceover' chaps did too. :)

I bet they were laughing until they found out they were the ones walking home

7th Jul 2017, 10:58
If Top Gear had air dropped a Toyota Pickup out the back of Herc without a chute they would have been able to bash it back into shape and drive home in it.....

Toyota as favoured by Top Gear and ISIS.

7th Jul 2017, 16:04
After the first one crashed, how come nobody aborted further drops?

When the second one - in a different aircraft - also fell it beggars belief that further drops were not aborted.

Just This Once...
7th Jul 2017, 16:42
If we aborted all drops for a MALDROP in the stream nothing productive would ever get done.

7th Jul 2017, 16:56
"One MALDROP is unfortunate. Three begins to look like carelessness"
(Oscar Wilde - with apologies)

7th Jul 2017, 17:31
The chump filming was way too happy to see it happen.............as if he knew it would happen.

7th Jul 2017, 18:31
The chump filming was way too happy to see it happen.............as if he knew it would happen.

My thoughts exactly...


Planet Basher
7th Jul 2017, 20:54
Maybe he was joyful in the knowledge that it was not going to be his bottom that was going to feel a good kicking.

Like This - Do That
8th Jul 2017, 02:47
If we aborted all drops for a MALDROP in the stream nothing productive would ever get done.

Out in the Colonies I've seen ALL drops stopped after a single malfunction. For days .... :ugh: I understand the need for diligence and why one has to do the inquiry process, but as with so much in the self-described "World's best small army" the sense of over-reaction is mind-numbing at times.

8th Jul 2017, 07:33
Out in the Colonies I've seen ALL drops stopped after a single malfunction. For days .... :ugh: I understand the need for diligence and why one has to do the inquiry process, but as with so much in the self-described "World's best small army" the sense of over-reaction is mind-numbing at times.

I'm sure they wouldn't argue should you want to return to the UK...

9th Jul 2017, 17:53
We lost more vehicles than that in the Keil canal on exercise "Bold Guard" in the 70's!

9th Jul 2017, 19:18
Sadly, we lost men as well. I was on that one. 11.9.74