View Full Version : Odiham night ops.

5th Jul 2017, 15:21
2.15 am this morning, a wokka transited north of our house along H3 (M3 motorway). Happened about the same time last week. We were still up to watch 'Chicago PD'* but I bet a lot of our neighbours would moan about it if asked. Hardly night flying though as dawn was already breaking.
* Acksherley I was in another room and the wife shouted at me thinking I had sat down and fallen asleep and was snoring!

5th Jul 2017, 16:17
Obviously, helicopter pilots don't need to train at night. In time of war, just switch on the battery and the lights and off they go.

5th Jul 2017, 16:34
Thursday night ops are a highlight of the week for us - some nice low flying with no background noise to detract from the sound of the aircraft :D

Day time visits and landings are always welcome :ok:

5th Jul 2017, 17:50
It's true, old people ARE grumpy :E :E :E

5th Jul 2017, 20:58
It's true, old people ARE grumpy

I resent that. Happier than I've ever been.The pay isn't so good, but the roster is fantastic!

5th Jul 2017, 22:15
I resent that. Happier than I've ever been.The pay isn't so good, but the roster is fantastic!

But you never get a day off.....

Heathrow Harry
6th Jul 2017, 12:08
A mate down Haslemere way was saying yesterday there 'd been a number of large Army night exercises going on thereabouts this week - including Chinooks by the noise

6th Jul 2017, 12:45
Very busy night flying in Narfolk this week..........

Multiple pairs of Apaches and impressive 3 ship of Ospreys last night at dusk

Plus a few Chinooks as well for good measure (quite high though).

We've also had Atlas a few times.

Wish it was like this all the time. (Sadly No FJ's though not even F15's)


9th Jul 2017, 21:27
How times change......

I grew up in East Anglia in the 70's and 80's - every week day an air show. Hunters, Jaguars, Phantoms, F-111s, A-10s, Hercs. Got the odd memory of F15 Eagle too. Add to that the privately owned WWII Beasts out of Duxford on a weekend and it was a whole week of fun!

Why the change? Politicians.

9th Jul 2017, 22:18
Why the change? Politicians.

Such as Gorbachev and Reagan, for example.

10th Jul 2017, 08:47
and Accountants.................
