View Full Version : Thumper

Pontius Navigator
4th Jul 2017, 16:32
Damn, Thumper just flew over, first time that we have seen her this season and right over our house en route the hotel where we are dining this evening in an hour's time :{

caped crusader
4th Jul 2017, 16:36
I think the nose art has changed and Thumper is no more.

Pontius Navigator
4th Jul 2017, 16:39
CC, too low, too fast and trees in the way :)

4th Jul 2017, 18:16
Indeed she has 2 new identities this year

from lancasterassociation.co.uk:

BBMF Lancaster PA474 will re-emerge from its winter overhaul in two different colour schemes.

OC BBMF, Sqn Ldr Andrew Millikin, has announced that the starboard side of the bomber will wear the markings of 50 Squadron's VN-T representing the Lancaster flown by his grandfather, Flying Officer Douglas Millikin DFC, on 27 of his first tour of 30 operations.

The port side will carry the markings of 460 (RAAF) Squadron's W5005 / AR-L. Its nose art features a kangaroo playing bagpipes to recognise the Australian and Scottish heritage of its crew.​

4th Jul 2017, 18:52
Surely she's still City of Lincoln? Her identity has never changed.;)

4th Jul 2017, 19:08
Surely she's still City of Lincoln?

Or the Black Bitch.....:E

Pontius Navigator
4th Jul 2017, 20:39
CS. Is that any relation to Paul Millikin?

caped crusader
5th Jul 2017, 10:43

Is that any relation to Paul Millikin?


5th Jul 2017, 11:06
When I was a young trainspotter locomotives rarely changed their names, normally retaining the same one throughout their working life. Now it seems they change their names (and livery) frequently. Same thing seems to be happening with aircraft. Glad she is now back to City of Lincoln - I thought Thumper was a very silly name.

5th Jul 2017, 11:29
Did the BBMF ever refer to the Lanc as Thumper? As mentioned before the identity of PA474 has never changed but the paint scheme is changed regularly to have her represent various squadrons or iconic operations. I think that it was more the marketing departments or the media who started calling her Thumper.

Background Noise
5th Jul 2017, 12:05
It seems they did - https://www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf/theaircraft/lancasterthumpermkiii.cfm

Martin the Martian
5th Jul 2017, 13:06
She has always carried the name City of Lincoln. I always thought it was just a certain part of the spotter/enthusiast fraternity that called her Thumper, in much the same way as they refer to 'Tooms, 'Stangs and Bricks.:yuk:

Anyway, good to know she is back in the air.

H Peacock
5th Jul 2017, 13:06
The BBMF Lanc has invariably been known as "The City of Lincoln" since she started wearing the Lincoln coat of arms on the right side of her nose in the mid-70s. However, the aircraft's colour scheme is changed on a regular basis with markings chosen to replicate a specific Lanc from WWII.

'Thumper' was the name of DV385, a 617 Sqn Lanc with the tail code KC-A. This was chosen as an appropriate scheme during the Op Chastise 70th anniversary. Previously she wore the markings of EE139 "Phantom of the Ruhr". EE139 served on 2 different sqns during the war (100 Sqn and 550 Sqn) with differing tail codes, so PA474 wore HW-R on the right side and BQ-B on her left.

Being a single word the 'Thumper' name became quite popular. She is invariably known simply as 'The Lanc" on the Flight!

5th Jul 2017, 13:31
Two paint schemes? I've just thought of a way to double the size of the RAF's entire fleet....

5th Jul 2017, 13:52
I think that this year would have been good to represent a Canadian squadron.


5th Jul 2017, 14:38
Actually referring to the BBMF Lancaster as 'Thumper' seemed to become popular at the time the Canadian aircraft was over here. It was known as 'Vera' and referring to Vera and Thumper became common.

I do like the recognition of the OC's family connection

5th Jul 2017, 15:27
Of course, PA474 was brought back to flying condition in No 5 Hangar at RAF Waddington (the old AVRO Repair Hangar from WW2) in 1965/66 and given the name "City of Lincoln" then. She carried the markings of Nettleton's KM-B which was his aircraft for the Augsburg Raid. (Although in red rather than the light grey of the time).