View Full Version : New Log Book

3rd Jul 2017, 18:21
Hi, I was wondering where people get their log books expanded? I am about to fill mine and have literally no idea.

Any help gratefully recieved.


Chris Kebab
3rd Jul 2017, 18:54
I always just started a new one; when you have a few there are companies who will re-bind them into right old chunky tomes if that's what you mean.

3rd Jul 2017, 18:58
As above, just get a new one. Worked for me :ok:

3rd Jul 2017, 19:24
Any good bookbinder will do the job. My first 3 logbooks are now one.

Pontius Navigator
3rd Jul 2017, 20:26
Must admit I find my four quite convenient, besides the first is much smaller than the others. The last three all have different coloured blue covers so makes it easier to find something.

Digressing, may I suggest you create a glossary or decode for your cryptic entries.

Ascend Charlie
3rd Jul 2017, 21:41
Lizzy, don't join them together - my 8 logbooks sit proudly on the shelf, and it is easier to pick up a smaller book than a thumping big one.

4th Jul 2017, 06:17

I'm gonna go with the new one rather than binding idea. I'll see if i can get through this one before making a mistake. Last one had all of 3 pages without errors.