View Full Version : Tisted Airfield Fly-In 2017

Old Photo.Fanatic
1st Jul 2017, 11:23
I would like to attend this Fly-in ,as a spectator/photographer.

I understand that a Mr Chris Thompson is organising the event on behalf of the Airfield owner.

I can see no information on how to contact Mr Thompson via Phone or email.
The only info. is via the Moth Club "Events" page, but it looks as if the "form" is for Pilots only?

Can anyone help with how I might get in touch to request a possible personal visit to this event?
Time is a bit pressing as its only a couple of weeks to go.
With thanks for any help.

A long shot, but if anyone is flying in from East Anglia and has a spare seat I would be glad to share expenses.


1st Jul 2017, 12:09

Chris Thompson is one of the air ground radio operators at Popham airfield. If you look at the website for Popham Airfield, Hampshire you should find his details under AGCS I believe.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the Tisted fly-in.


Old Photo.Fanatic
1st Jul 2017, 19:45
Thanks a lot for information.
A very quick and helpful reply.

I have had a call from the owners of the Airfield who are going to pass on my email address to Chris. Thompson.
So all in all I think I am ok to make contact.
Your info. is certainly a good back up.

Still have fingers crossed that someone from East Anglia may have a spare seat.!!!!