View Full Version : Apatok island airstrip, lat-long

Sam Rutherford
26th Jun 2017, 17:56
Passing by in 2 days, would like to pop in!

Thanks, Sam.

26th Jun 2017, 18:17
If you mean Akpatok Island in Ungava Bay, Canada, I didn't know that there was an airstrip there?

Sam Rutherford
26th Jun 2017, 18:26
Yes, and there is! Just don't know exactly where...

26th Jun 2017, 18:40
Probably a bearstrip....

Jan Olieslagers
26th Jun 2017, 18:42
On the west coast, where they once drilled for oil.
Take a careful look around Akpatok Island Homepage (http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hentzel/Akpatok/imap.html)

I once saw a trip report, I think by an Acadien, who flew a C172 in there and even spent the night. Couldn't find it anymore, though.

27th Jun 2017, 07:18
Good memory Jan - it would appear there was a strip, and a 172 landed there back in 1985; this makes interesting reading (https://translate.google.co.nz/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://campingmaster.weebly.com/cercle-arctique-en-cessna-172-skyhawk.html&prev=search)

I trust you'll post a trip report if you drop in Sam :ok:


Sam Rutherford
27th Jun 2017, 08:55

Jan Olieslagers
27th Jun 2017, 09:02
@FP: yes that's the very trip report I was thinking of. Thanks for finding it back for me!

Sam Rutherford
27th Jun 2017, 09:46
Yes, thanks all - very helpful. Collecting a number of strips across Greenland and northern Canada, there are some amazing spots out there!

27th Jun 2017, 09:59
Fascinating stuff. The strip seems to be at N60 25.8 W068 19.9
Good luck and would love to see some more photos!

Sam Rutherford
27th Jun 2017, 10:02
Wilco! Back in about 10 days but should have some updates on FB before then.

Above The Clouds
28th Jun 2017, 15:41
The strip which used to run roughly North South on the west coast about half way up the island, coordinates 60 25 34.0 N / 68 20 02.0W make sure you have a firearm for protection from polar bears if staying over night.

28th Jun 2017, 17:54
Good memory Jan - it would appear there was a strip, and a 172 landed there back in 1985; this makes interesting reading (https://translate.google.co.nz/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://campingmaster.weebly.com/cercle-arctique-en-cessna-172-skyhawk.html&prev=search)


More than just interesting! Absolutely fascinating! Thanks so much for posting that link.

Does anyone know what happened at the end of the trip? He makes references to a 'crash'

Sam Rutherford
29th Jun 2017, 23:58
Flew up and down it this afternoon, but need bigger wheels to land next year! Amazing location. Will try to post a photo here if I can figure out how...

Capn Bug Smasher
30th Jun 2017, 00:05
Thank you so much for posting that trip report Jan and F_P! Bedtime reading secured for the next few nights. I plan to move to Canada from the UK in short order which makes this topical and timely.

Well done Sam - what a pity you could not land this time! Now hurry up, we want to see the photos! :ok:

30th Jun 2017, 05:06
Does anyone know what happened at the end of the trip? He makes references to a 'crash'

I wondered that too, did a reasonable amount of searching but couldn't find anything.

Could have asked I suppose but didn't want to unnecessarily prod what might be a sore point...

Looking forward to that photo Sam, what were you in - a PA38 on 5" wheels :E


30th Jun 2017, 10:28
Mon accident d'avion - CampingMaster (http://campingmaster.weebly.com/mon-accident-davion.html)
1 fatal
1 serious - the author
1 light

Jan Olieslagers
30th Jun 2017, 11:16
Dankuwel, @Jan99!
The reading is fearsome, though...

30th Jun 2017, 11:41
Probably the most frank and open accident report I've seen. Absolutely chilling....

It's nice to think modern VFR GPS would have prevented that. Thanks for finding that, Jan99.

Sam Rutherford
4th Jul 2017, 06:25
Okay, let's try this:


Mark 1
5th Jul 2017, 04:08
Try this:
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/19620484_294271591038356_3723612493269232416_o.jpg?oh=85c3b8 db61408702bc8c000fe7ef1ee0&oe=5A0B5D5B

Sam Rutherford
5th Jul 2017, 06:12
Thanks! :-)

Mark 1
5th Jul 2017, 12:45
And here's one of mine. There looks like the remnants of a strip showing as a vertical line in this photo:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/EtAo7roREOoxDmKDFatl-ewCRhPvqJvYX4oNoBpTCy-rPeCGnrlsA-sgwdk_aVfBPH1fPkcvKZA_mtW29zr0YazWkJpps6mu8WDQ1cn7rwmWX-qny7tucRK5kVDe_X5SjuwKLUu1zaj5nWx7jS3Sy-R9w0gUqhZvjpTrHldkcJHiM1Qci3s_coKPd-CHzToVTTVlDMU6uqYJIitX1tKWkdM9T8hbael__81TKPEDhfMG9sfXcwfMey PEdMuWtO25MRa7-rOXZjGUsaMOL-q6CqxOpjBXTq2sWFbOsc8ftiT4rXHkjrJr2H95Ibd98qKNiOP5YPbTJAGHii 2Q4jT5XZUxRxwdXVX8u7CGbCyTIbQYGj_gd8kwP8PWm23PAVaiQbAcn1BS7i BZTzpX1YEsd-9w5d5RIWwWg5J0NkfimraUNosOpVINHxMtR0IxgWGWnwKKiO1tDK2LsmeK0v e2QtYIoL3UfstR7buvZ4gJgUdI3UcP3iOb9iDBmIXwShJdhEve9tsVfNXb0x qe0PViUEzKFSCCzRXrVr-VtL3g9V_97qCHNDaabZbleDlraRxqAQmmGQaZIrQ-oUKSIHAOhXnYkRDgzqH9Q6yYRAMHYfCgR2qDxg=w1289-h859-no

Sam Rutherford
5th Jul 2017, 12:53
Hi Mark,

Yes, when lower the strip is actually very visible (and looks good). Just don't know how firm it is (very similar to the Bluie East Two airstrip)...

5th Jul 2017, 20:13
I confess to being somewhat reduced in enthusiasm for a couple of days after reading Pierre's accident report :(

However thanks for both of the photo's, that has restored some interest! While it looks rather barren it really does evoke a sense of adventure and a desire to drop in and experience the place.

Sam, I see what looks like the bulldozer shed mentioned in the earlier report is still vaguely there. If you land you could take your toolkit and get the old girl going so you could do a bit of grading on the strip.

What could be better - flying into a remote and seriously scenic airstrip in your airborne toy, with a large ground-based toy to play with as well :}


Sam Rutherford
5th Jul 2017, 21:31
I am SO with THAT idea! :-)

Back there next June (going to put bushwheels on the 'toga), I'll keep you posted...

Cheers, Sam.

Above The Clouds
6th Jul 2017, 16:34
Amazing, nothing seems to have changed since I flew over that strip in 1991, a real time warp, a fly out would be perfect and I have the ideal aircraft to land there :)

Sam Rutherford
6th Jul 2017, 16:49
Then please get in touch! Seriously.

I REALLY want to take a group of bushplanes and helis there (and to a series of other strips/beaches around northern Canada and Greenland).

I've even found a guy who'll sign off big wheels on our Saratoga... :-)

6th Jul 2017, 21:59
I REALLY want to take a group of bushplanes and helis there (and to a series of other strips/beaches around northern Canada and Greenland).

Some of us would love to go but it's around 8500nm directly from here so the sort of machine I'd have to use to get there just wouldn't work well on the Akpatok or other strips in the area! I expect MK would have a crack but I'm a bit of a whimp in comparison :O

So I guess we'll have to live the moment vicariously, hopefully someone is delegated to post a full expedition report :-)


Capn Bug Smasher
6th Jul 2017, 22:31
Fantastic stuff! Amazing pictures. It's like another world up there. I wish I could join you on your fly out.

Sam Rutherford
7th Jul 2017, 05:39
Ah, 8500nm is rather a long way. I assumed (always good in aviation) that you were either Europe or N.America based!

Fly safe, Sam.

8th Jul 2017, 00:09
Ah, 8500nm is rather a long way. I assumed (always good in aviation) that you were either Europe or N.America based!

No, but the flying here is not bad - here's my version of Akpatok, if nothing else it's a little warmer!

India Four Two
8th Jul 2017, 04:39
No, but the flying here is not bad - here's my version of Akpatok, if nothing else it's a little warmer!

North or South Island?

8th Jul 2017, 23:02
North or South Island?

A more or less abandoned strip on the northeast coast of the South...

... and at the risk of a little thread drift, just to show that we're not all pussies down this way, here's something that is perhaps a little more Akapatok-like in its ruggedness (further to the south).


We do land on that white stuff occasionally ;)


Sam Rutherford
10th Jul 2017, 05:24
Okay, nice! :-)