View Full Version : Gliding near Frankfurt

Jumeirah James
13th Jun 2017, 10:28

I'm visiting Frankfurt next month and wanted to do some gliding. Can anyone recommend a club or school open during the week that's relatively nearby please? I've got a car and can drive, so it's not an issue.

Also, if they can speak English, that would really help.

13th Jun 2017, 11:14
I worked in Germany from 82-85 and did some powered flying from Egelsbach, just South of Frankfurt. They would probably be able to put you in touch with the glider schools and I remember there was one about 30 miles North of the city but I can't remember the name. Don't worry about the language, the flying fraternity all seem to speak good English which is frustrating when you are trying to learn the language.

Jan Olieslagers
13th Jun 2017, 12:22
Only some general notes:
* a "school" would be very rare in Germany, but gliding clubs are many
* most Germans have a bit of English, but the radio is mostly done in German on the small fields
* I think you'll not find much activity outside weekends. The more so that the clubs typically act as a team and if there is not a complete team they'll not be moving.

Looking around I found only one more or less nearby: Segelfluggelände Altenbachtal , near Aschaffenburg: Home (http://www.moeve-obernau.de) There ought to be more, though.

PS why do you only address the "gents"? You might be under the influence of your present whereabouts, but there's some solid female presence in the glider world!

Jumeirah James
13th Jun 2017, 16:54
Thank you both very much for your prompt replies. Much appreciated.

Jan: I used the term 'Gents' without feeling I had to be politically correct. No offence meant to ladies at all. I'm sure there are some spectacular women glider pilots out there. They're just too smart to go on PPRUNE.

mary meagher
13th Jun 2017, 20:22
JJ - Sorry that you've been ignoring my posts all these years!

Mary Meagher (my real name...pressed the wrong button again when registering to become a contributor). So I was stupid enough to go on PP under my real name, but it really doesn't matter....

3 diamonds, etc.

ATC Watcher
13th Jun 2017, 20:37
I am gliding in a club one hour by motorway North of FRA (The clubs closer to the city/airport are generally height/airspace restricted by the FRA TMA )
You would be welcome there and most of our instructors speak English ( 3 are Airline Captains )
But as indicated before it is mainly Summer and week end only activity.
But In July , we do fly on "good days "sometimes

14th Jun 2017, 18:39
Given you will be driving, Frankfurt isn't that far from the Wasserkuppe, which has a massive museum of gliders, is where a lot of the earliest soaring was done, and I believe there is still gliding there.

Jan Olieslagers
14th Jun 2017, 18:50
... and also a one-way runway, land upslope, take off downslope, lots of excitement... Only augmented by the mix of glider/ultralight/SEP - not for the faint of heart, meseemeth, though I must allow one only hears good about the place, apparently they know how to make it work.

15th Jun 2017, 08:27
One more vote for Wasserkruppe, lovely day out and something to do during poor wx.

16th Jun 2017, 13:42
I've flown at the Wasserkuppe twice - I did a week-long aerobatic course once and was there for a three-day weekend. In 2012 the Wasserkuppe was honored on a German postage stamp for 100 years of soaring. It's great to have flown at such a historic place.

There should be no problems making arrangements in advance or flying with someone "auf Englisch." They have one instructor who is actually a graduate of the US Air Force test pilot school.

Someone commented above about takeoff down slope and landing upslope. While that's true, it's not an onerous task at all. Landing in the gully in Dunstable is much harder, and I didn't break any of their gliders!

However, comma...

There are two other places to consider: 1) The German Alpine Soaring School in Unterwoessen (Deutsche Alpen Segelflugschule Unterwössen (DASSU)) southeast of Munich. This is an incredible place to get an introduction to soaring in the Alps.*

2) The Fränkische Fliegerschule Feuerstein about 45 minutes north of Nuremburg outside the beautiful big town/small city of Bamberg.

1 & 2 are a bit further from Frankfurt than the Wasserkuppe.

I have flown at all three of these places and will happily return to any of them. In fact, I have to choose between them for an upcoming holiday weekend.

I live just outside of Frankfurt, so if I can be of any help let me know.

*I can share a video of a flight at DASSU if people are interested - not a suitable day for the Alps, but I had fun none the less.

16th Jun 2017, 17:01
Unterwössen is 5-6 hours drive from Frankfurt... on a good day 🙄

17th Jun 2017, 08:52
Anyone in the Bernkastel, Trier area would find Mont Royale a lovely place to fly. The field is up in the hills above the Mosel. You get some great standing wave there. Lovely blokes but limited English when I was there. Socata tug last time I went but I am old and maybe things have changed.

Jumeirah James
17th Jun 2017, 13:18
Thanks everybody. Great replies.

18th Jun 2017, 10:16
Post the photos please!

Jan Olieslagers
18th Jun 2017, 10:37
@effortless: EDRM is a fine field enough, but nothing exceptional - and quite a ride from Frankfurt. It is colloquially known as "Traben-Trarbach" after the village - which orginally was two villages, one on each side of the river.

19th Jun 2017, 08:04
Jan, no it isn't exceptional but I liked it for the sudden views over the Mosel. It was lovely for a bit of a relaxed bimble.