View Full Version : CPL MEIR training in parallel with a full time job

24th May 2017, 17:32

I currently live in a city in which there is no ATO, but there is an airclub that will do 60% of the IR training in partnership with the nearest ATO (who will do the 40% remaining)
The nearest ATO is one hour away.

I just got a new job, which prohibits me from taking full time vacation in order to train for my CPL MEIR.

I was thinking about the following programme :
- Flying 4 hours per week end (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) for the required duration in order to get my CPL (about 6 weeks)
- Flying 4 hours per week in the evenings and week ends to do the 60% of the IR SE (about 6 weeks)
- Flying 4 hours per week end to do the remaining 16 hours of training for the IR SE : (about 4 weeks)
This as amounted to 16 weeks, so 4 months, and I may be able to get a full time week of vacation :
- Doing the conversion IR SE to IR ME in that remaining week, or over 2-3 weekends.

This would take me 4.5 to 5 months in order to train for my CPL MEIR.

What do you think of this rather unconventionnal method of training ?
To me, it would be much cheaper, both because the airclub is cheaper, and because I would be keeping my salary during these months.
It would also mean much more flying hours (no simulator available in these two structures)
Is it realistic, or will it cause technical problems in the learning process ?

Wouldn't airlines look down on that kind of training ?
I could also do the IR-SE+IR-ME entirely in the ATO instead of doing it 40-60.


24th May 2017, 17:41
Without knowing details of your work schedule I think it's a very smart approach.

24th May 2017, 18:15
My work schedule will be something like 9-19 monday to friday, typical desk job.
Then I could fly 4 flight hours in the week end. Pretty intense but completely feasible and it will be very satisfying for me to fly that much.

I'm figuring there is nothing to stop me from starting the CPL while i'm still working with my current company : I could be starting in July and be finished by end of august.

Then the IR ME would take three months : september, october, november, and I would even be finishing at the same time than if I had gone to Sweden.

My new company could even pay for about 3k€, which would be a pleasant reduction in the price.

24th May 2017, 22:48
Just be mindful of technical problems with the aircraft and weather delays, even on the IR. This obviously depends on time of year. All my training to almost twice as long to complete as planned to due to unforseen circumstances.

24th May 2017, 23:19
Cpl would be july august so no problem.
Ir would be september-december so potentially problems towards the end yes. Nothing dramatic though

25th May 2017, 10:23
I am in the same situation. The most I can take off in one go is 2 weeks. Possibly 3 at a stretch.

I am just breaking it down more. I'm doing the IR(R) then hour building IFR at weekends. I will then do the MEP before taking 2-3 weeks full time to do the CBIR portion.

27th May 2017, 23:41
Does the situation change if I say I was planning on going to dfas and that this new job will make me train with a french school ? I feel like training at this french school will drastically reduce my odds at finding a job...
Shouldn't I refuse this new job in order to go to dfas ?

I feel like I can't pursue both careers anymore, I'm facing a fork in the road.

29th May 2017, 08:37
I don't think where you train will make a difference to an airline. Yes, there are big airlines that favour particular schools, but I doubt they'd discriminate beyond that.