View Full Version : EASA 1 class medical requirements

20th May 2017, 19:31
Good day! I have searched for list of diseases which can't affect for getting EASA 1 medical certificate but I haven't found it. Could anyone give me it? Thanks

20th May 2017, 20:45
I believe this document covers most of what you are asking.

https://www.easa.europa.eu/system/files/dfu/AMC%20and%20GM%20on%20the%20medical%20certification%20of%20p ilots%20and%20medical%20fitness%20of%20cabin%20crew.pdf

If you have difficulty interpreting anything in the document, contact and AME. Most will be happy to talk you through any concerns you might have prior to the your initial examination.

21st May 2017, 07:41
Which grade of flat foot and degree of scoliosis couldn't affect for getting EASA 1?