View Full Version : Brawl before take off

6th May 2017, 06:27
Brawl before take off.....
Could be happening in a bus around the suburbs of any big city, but here we go

Japon: Ils se cognent dessus avant le décollage! - Faits Divers - lematin.ch (http://www.lematin.ch/faits-divers/cognent-decollage/story/17168430)

6th May 2017, 06:36

6th May 2017, 06:36
Brave cabin crew, but I'm not sure they should have put themselves in harm's way. I assume the two louts were offloaded by security and banned for life. Imagine the scenario if it had happened while airborne.

Having seen the commentary, it seems the guy in black was blameless, so only the one in red to be banned.