View Full Version : Air Cargo Carriers

17th Apr 2017, 18:21
Anyone here work or worked in the past with this Company? Any insights?

18th Apr 2017, 16:57
Good company, BUT.

It'll bore the pants off of you flying the same route every Monday night thru Saturday morning, every single week.
Don't forget too, you'll be with the same person, in the same plane.

If you do the feeder routes to outstation hubs like Columbia you get a full nights sleep.
If you fly from small cities to main hubs like Louisville or Cincinnati you'll get just a few hours nap at night.
The San Juan base is all daytime flying. But it's all of the day.

The only way I'd do it, was if if I was working on doing something else at the same time.
Like getting a college degree on-line as you have all day off.

You don't need a PIC ATP to be Captain, just a Pt 135 letter which can be done on a Comm/Inst/Multi and 1200 hours.
F/Os required a Comm/Inst/Multi and a pulse.

But I see your ex Piedmont and are 65 year old and living in the Bahamas.
After six months it's just another job.
They all suck.

Thanks bpi

19th Apr 2017, 00:49
Don't live in Nassau anymore. Would like to keep flying a little longer. Some are ready to retire at 65 while others are not. You say flying the Shorts is boring, I say retirement can be boring. My tennis game will never improve, only so many home projects, and as for recreational travel - I hate long lines, big busy airports and coach seats.