View Full Version : Correcting an incorrectly filled out logbook

12th Apr 2017, 11:06
Not sure if this is the correct sub-forum but here goes.

I've been flying commercially on a multi-pilot aircraft for around 6 months now but have just realised that I've been incorrectly filling out the take offs and landings in my logbook this whole time. :ugh:
Instead of only logging the T/Os and landings where I was PF I've been logging all of them, including when I was PM. I had thought that since it is a multi-pilot aircraft and I'm one of the pilots I should log it, and I didn't check it first. For the first 5 months I also hadn't been logging which flights were PF and which were PM.

So I was thinking that at the start of a new page I could halve the numbers of T/Os and landings (since we alternate PF/PM) and write a note explaining it. Would the CAA accept this or would it cause a problem with them?

12th Apr 2017, 11:57
Does it matter?

I Don't think in Nigh on 25,000 hours I have ever logged a take off or a landing. Obviously each sector started and finished with one of each and I always assumed the relevant authorities would also make that assumption. In none of my 9 logbooks is there any column to record take offs or landings although you could add it in the remarks column if you felt it was relevant.

Similarly with PM and PF unless your logbook allows for the distinction, there is normally a column for holders operating capacity (P1/P2/Dual) You can be P1 (pilot in command) and operating as either PF or PNF. Again, the distinction may be a remark entry if you feel it is relevant.

I appreciate there are a whole host of logbooks and software programmes these days. I have always relied on the CAA's pilots logbook issued by Her Majesty's Stationary office, and nobody has ever raised an eyebrow over it.

If you are sufficiently concerned you could either rewrite the logbook unless it contains certified entries, or simply make a notice of correction in it, or just leave it alone and carry on in future with correct entries.

14th Apr 2017, 17:52
Thanks, that's good to heard. I thought it would be ok but when I dug through old forum threads about the correct way to fill in a logbook some people seemed to get extremely stressed over it like it was the most important part of the flight.

15th Apr 2017, 13:57
Beelzebub: Over the years I have known quite a few ex military pilots who have logged more take-offs than landings! Usually this resulted in the loss of the aircraft!

15th Apr 2017, 21:12
Yes, but it probably resulted in them making a note in the remarks section, or failing that, somebody duly noting it. :ooh: