View Full Version : Fte or Ctc

10th Feb 2017, 12:05
hey guys,

after countless hours of reading and debating with my self, im still not sure...
in terms on airline placement upon graduation which one as the "upper hand" ?

in addition what's the best way to get ready for the selection days?
i know i cant really improve my skills at the aptitude test but i would like to know what im going in to, ive found those 2:pilotaptitudetest (https://pilotaptitudetest.com/) and this one (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/interviews/view/subject/CTC+Wings+Pilot+Interview+and+assessment.html) at latestpilotjobs any one tried them and can recommend?

10th Feb 2017, 15:09
You need to visit both establishments before deciding.

10th Feb 2017, 17:33

or FTE.


(if you can't decide after all that research, and there are truly no other factors discernable, such as cost, location, aircraft etc, flip a coin).

10th Feb 2017, 18:27
im an israeli citizen, however i hold a European passport as well

11th Feb 2017, 18:17
i've worked for 3 years (and still am), i got around 90% of the funds needed for the full integrated curses and living costs.
can i ask why do u say CTC over jerez?

12th Feb 2017, 07:24
The modular route is also worth considering......cheaper and might take longer, but you can do the final flying phase (CPL/IR course & tests) and then the MCC/JOC at well known schools.

12th Feb 2017, 07:41
CTC is not going out of business.
They are owned by Level 3.
L3 is a multi national conglomerate.

Where does this LEVEL 3 crap come from?

L3 until last month was L-3 Communications Corporation but has now changed its corporate name to L3 Technologies, Inc.

12th Feb 2017, 09:14
i've worked for 3 years (and still am), i got around 90% of the funds needed for the full integrated curses and living costs. How the hell have you done that,that's like saving £30k per year!
Anyway, CTC send most of theirs to easyjet and FTE to Norwegian, BA Cityflyer and Aer Lingus, so if you're after a particular airline it's worth selecting your FTO accordingly.
CTC pay for any extra training you need and retakes aswell, I'm not sure about the others.
Regardless of where you go make sure you can finance a type rating as that will make it a hella lot easier when it comes to job hunting.

12th Feb 2017, 18:10
worked very hard around 10 hours a day, 6 days a week and barely spent a penny.
ill take into consideration the TR cost as well something i did not do until now.

in addition while i agree you can do it much cheaper with other schools (and if you dont have the money i think it will be much smarter to go to those school, but if your welling to work hard and start a bit later or got the funds from family) if afterwords you'll need to spend more or less the same amount on finding a job/not working i rather put what i got to get the best shots...

Officer Kite
13th Feb 2017, 14:50
What do a communications company suddenly have in common with flight training?

Something fishy there ...

13th Feb 2017, 16:45
They are a conglomerate, they might have discovered synergies.
Just CAE makes simulators so it is logical for them to use them in their own flight schools)

13th Feb 2017, 19:41
They are a lot more than comms, they have defence contracts as well, I believe they were involved in the RAF Nimrod and Rivet Joint projects, so they have some aviation experience. Sorry to divert the thread haha.

16th Feb 2017, 22:02
Does anyone know whether FTE have any sort of 'performance protection' like CTC and OAA?

tech log
17th Feb 2017, 11:29
What do a communications company suddenly have in common with flight training?

Something fishy there ...

This is the second accusatory post you have made.

Last time it was

I'd be careful of CTC, some dodgy things are occurring at the moment from what I'm hearing from insider circles

Is someone upset because they didn't get in?

tech log
22nd Feb 2017, 21:49
By your own admission, you've done CTC selection at least twice.

There has to have been a change in recent times. I sat this test twice, most recently in April 2015, it was very easy.

You obviously were not successful in getting into CTC and are now at OAA.

Now, on this public forum where are you are supposedly not comfortable discussing CTC, you have made allegations that "dodgy things are occurring" at CTC and that their L3 merger is "fishy."

Come on mate.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a CTC lover in the slightest, but one can't just make accusations using terms like "dodgy" like you've done.

22nd Feb 2017, 22:48
L3 are in expansion mode. 2011 they acquired the commercial fixed wing business of Thales Simulation. 2015 they acquired CTC and in 2016 Aerosim. They are now positioned to be a full service commercial training provider to complement their military capabilities. Nothing dodgy or fishy, just commercial positioning.

Up North Like
23rd Feb 2017, 14:17
CTC is a very stable company. And the hiring outlook is great for the next few years both domestically in the UK and abroad.

3rd Mar 2017, 13:41
No doubt, but the statement about recruitment outlook is based on what, Up North Like? I remember this being said during the early-1990's, late 1990's and up to September 2001 - each prior to almost complete cessation of pilot recruitment in both the EU and elsewhere for a number of years. This sounds like the sort of nonsense spouted by 'training advisors'.

A number of incidences which don't show the people running the place in the nicest of light (now I'm not saying OAA are angels), those things I heard were what made my decision to cancel my CTC applicationbut I preferred the challenge over going to a school who's integrity is questionable. Thankfully it paid off and I passed the aptitude at OAA.Fairly damning statements there Officer Kite; all the more so when you consider that some of the "people running the place" used to manage OAA prior to and following the CAE acquisition. I'd be intrigued to learn more.