View Full Version : Air France - KLM sell Cobalt Ground Solutions

31st Jan 2017, 20:43
Groupe CRIT, with Air France/KLM, has announced plans to acquire Cobalt Ground Solutions at Heathrow.

Cobalt, the third largest handler at Heathrow, is to come under the wing of Groupe CRIT. Cobalt, which was formed in 2009, has steadily enlarged its operation since its inception and today offers a full range of handling services in terminals 3 and 4 at London's main airport. Amongst its clients are AF/KLM, China Southern, Delta, Etihad and Virgin Atlantic.
Such a strategic acquisition will allow Groupe CRIT to enlarge its ground handling footprint, giving it a useful presence in the UK. This will be added to its growing operation which currently sees it active in three French airports as well as at stations in Ireland and Africa. The addition of Cobalt is expected to bring to the group revenues of around Euros40m.

Full article here: http://magazine.groundhandling.com/news/groupe-crit-and-af-klm-announce-cobalt-acquisition-1