View Full Version : FAA PPL in Spain

6th Dec 2016, 17:28
Hi all!
Do you know if I could get my FAA PPL in Spain?
I'm trying to compare wich is cheaper: get my FAA PPL in USA or in Spain (if I can that I don't know).
I live in Barcelona then if I can get here I would save some costs (travel, stay,...).
Then, when I have it, I would go to USA.
Is it possible?

7th Dec 2016, 10:01
Hi, you need to find a N tail airplane, an FAA Instructor, and FAA Examiner, and AME so not an easy task... so probably the answer is virtually no, at least not if the plan is to save money, and cost will be higher for sure than go to USA and do it there.

7th Dec 2016, 15:49
Thank you spaflyer. I thought that maybe some academy could teach it.

8th Dec 2016, 14:53
It might be possible, however if your plan is to save money forgot about it, also I forgot to mention finger print screening for TSA (before this was only possible in Paris)... so buy a ticket and travel to USA (Florida and California are usually the best options) and enjoy the experience of flying there, if you have any question don't hesitate to contact me, did all my training in USA and then converted to EASA here in Europe.

11th Dec 2016, 14:02
Not in Spain as far as I know, in southern France yes, I believe in Cannes, there is a flight school offering FAA training, there is also an AME in the area.
For the TSA firgerprints and forthe PPL Theory test on the computer you can do it at FSI in Farnborough, UK.
Book yourself in advance as they are usually busy at Farnborough, as far as I know is a better option than FSI Paris at Le Bourget for what I've heard from people who went through all that.

There are a few acft based in Sabadell, close to Barcelona on the N registration, may be there is an FAA instructor there.

In my opinion, you could do it in USA for less money even including the travelling and hotel, that is if you are able to spend 1 or 2 months there.
1 month is a bit short I would say, to much info to be absorbed in a short time for somebody who has no previous knowledge about flying.

Good luck and enjoy :ok:

16th Dec 2016, 12:17
For the TSA firgerprints and forthe PPL Theory test on the computer you can do it at FSI in Farnborough, UK.

It's not possible anymore to take the written tests in Europe. Neither in Paris nor in Farnborough.

19th Dec 2016, 11:33
My comment wasn't about exams, is about finger prints for TSA to allow you starting training, anyway I didn't know you can't do CATS exams anymore in Europa :)

Always Moving
6th Mar 2017, 15:29
I do not think you need a N-reg plane, but you do need TSA approval and a FAA CFI.
As somebody said for the little money you are going to save (unless you own the plane) just go to the USA and enjoy the experience!


south of the border
7th Mar 2017, 09:56
There is a much simpler way. I am an EASA flight instructor, and FAA flight instructor. I have a connection with a club near Barcelona, and you can be given instruction that satisfies both EASA and FAA requirements. You will get your EASA PPL, and if you wanted to get an FAA PPL after that, there is a procedure. You would need to book an appointment with the FAA, and appear in person for interview, also with some paperwork from the authority that issued you with the licence.
I don't want to be accused of advertising for a particular school, so if you want to pm me, I will be happy to give more details.

27th Mar 2023, 20:05
I would love to know the name of the club you are referring to!

28th Mar 2023, 23:03
There is a much simpler way. I am an EASA flight instructor, and FAA flight instructor. I have a connection with a club near Barcelona, and you can be given instruction that satisfies both EASA and FAA requirements. You will get your EASA PPL, and if you wanted to get an FAA PPL after that, there is a procedure. You would need to book an appointment with the FAA, and appear in person for interview, also with some paperwork from the authority that issued you with the licence.
I don't want to be accused of advertising for a particular school, so if you want to pm me, I will be happy to give more details.

I would love to know the name of the club you are referring to!

22nd Jun 2023, 18:21
There is a much simpler way. I am an EASA flight instructor, and FAA flight instructor. I have a connection with a club near Barcelona, and you can be given instruction that satisfies both EASA and FAA requirements. You will get your EASA PPL, and if you wanted to get an FAA PPL after that, there is a procedure. You would need to book an appointment with the FAA, and appear in person for interview, also with some paperwork from the authority that issued you with the licence.
I don't want to be accused of advertising for a particular school, so if you want to pm me, I will be happy to give more details.

i would love to also recieve this information please!
Thank you for your help.