View Full Version : MD-95 Testing

6th Sep 2016, 05:08
An interesting video for someone who has little idea of what goes on during testing.


What data point might they have been after? Certainly seems as though they were expecting the resulting gyrations.

Are all jet transports subject to such out of the normal envelope maneuvers during certification?

Many thanks.

Genghis the Engineer
6th Sep 2016, 07:32
Very hard to say what this was, or even if this was a formally constituted test programme. The only thing that I think you can say for sure is that the debrief was probably pretty robust.

Yes, the envelope is fully explored during part 25 aircraft testing - although I'd be very surprised if any flight test team deliberately entered such a severe departure, so close to the terrain.

Basically however, with no detailed narrative, I'd not read much into that video.


6th Sep 2016, 09:43
Looks like a turning stall but hard to say if the entry rate was accelerated or not. Interesting departure though.