View Full Version : Cathay AE or TT interviews

2nd Sep 2016, 03:02

Has anyone been offered an AE or TT interview with Cathay lately? Direct entry FO? I have read the rumors about a hiring freeze but was wondering if they are true. I updated my application two weeks ago and have heard nothing, but I have been out of the cockpit for a few years and Im not sure how competitive I am anyway.

Also, has anyone ever had any luck contacting Cathay recruitment directly either by phone or by walking in the door? I live in Guangzhou so Hong Kong is an easy trip, and Im not finding a lot of other options with my lack of Jet time. Is it worth a shot?

6th Sep 2016, 02:09
I'm not flying anything in Guangzhou, thats the problem. I'm here on a residence permit based on my wife's employment. My experience is mostly in the C208 which doesn't help at all in mainland China as you probably know.
Cathay recruitment will meet with you for a chat if you happen to be in Hong Kong
That is good to hear, I've been unable to find a phone number for Cathay recruitment online, but I'll just try their main switchboard I guess and try to get patched through. Thanks!