View Full Version : AN-225 shall rise again

31st Aug 2016, 23:41
China and Ukraine agree to restart An-225 production | IHS Jane's 360 (http://www.janes.com/article/63341/china-and-ukraine-agree-to-restart-an-225-production)

2nd Sep 2016, 10:49
Saw the existing one taxi and take off at Prestwick in 2007 - just happened to be in the right place at the right time...... A sight I will never forget.

2nd Sep 2016, 11:37
See it up close once in the US. Amazing sight to see that take off a couple of hundred feet in front of you! Be interesting to see how many they produce, while there is a need for an aircraft of this size it wouldn't seem to be that pressing that we will see more than a few examples reproduced I'm guessing.

2nd Sep 2016, 15:42
I assume restarting production is for heavy lift only and not for transporting a shuttle/space gear as before? In which case it may not have the 'roof attachments' of the existing one?

2nd Sep 2016, 16:08
I agree that I don't think there is a market for "mass production"....unless there is war and certain countries need to move gear around the world constantly. I've been on the AN-124 as a passenger in my younger years that that baby is more useful than the 225. In fact I'm surprised they don't restart production of the 124 instead of the 225.

2nd Sep 2016, 23:22
Seems Ukraine had a debt to pay back.

The AvgasDinosaur
6th Sep 2016, 14:53
There is still over 70% of number 2 in the works at Gostomel.
i heard years back there was a plan to finish her off but with a rear ramp as well as per AN-124.
I think the Russians also have plans/intentions to re introduce the AN124 but with clean engines and increased (150t) payload.
Be lucky


Just a spotter
6th Sep 2016, 16:15
According to the report about the agreement carried by Flying In Ireland magazine;

Work on a second An-225 was undertaken during the late 1980s, also for the Soviet space programme. It differed from the first by having a rear cargo door and a redesigned tail with a single vertical stabilizer, which was considered more effective for cargo transportation.» Antonov An-225 Mriya programme to resume production? (http://flyinginireland.com/2016/09/antonov-an-225-mriya-programme-to-resume-production/)

At 6 engines per airframe, it'll create some work for that new Chinese jet engine manufacturer.



whoknows idont
16th Sep 2016, 04:42
» Antonov An-225 Mriya programme to resume production? (http://flyinginireland.com/2016/09/antonov-an-225-mriya-programme-to-resume-production/)

China’s CCTV Channel, in a comment on its Facebook page, said that the Antonov Company sold all manufacturing rights and technological documents for the aircraft to the China Aerospace company, adding that the first An-225 could be produced in China as early as in 2019. Antonov’s press service later dismissed these reports as untrue.

It's fake news. There is no market for a second 225 as the one flying is not used to capacity. Why would anyone build a second one if he can just charter the existing one?