View Full Version : Praise for Cabin Crew on BA0725

tu chan go
13th Aug 2016, 09:36
I saw this on Facebook and decided to post a link here in the hope that the relevant crew get to see it.

Don't Be Sorry (Facebook name)

We returned home today aboard British Airways flight BA0725, from Geneva to London Heathrow after a lovely holiday together as a family.
This was the first flight we'd done with all three kiddies and although not long haul, I was feeling pretty dubious about how it would go.
Thankfully, on both the outgoing and incoming flights, the kids did brilliantly... But I just wanted to mention a couple of members of Cabin Crew we encountered this morning.
The first flight attendant, Chloe, saw that Chris and I were using makaton to support our speech with Oscar, so she starting using it too. She said she had two children herself and had attended Sing and sign classes over the years so had learnt it through them. It was no big deal to her I'm sure, but it really was so heartwarming to watch a stranger go out of her way to engage and take the time with Oz. I could see it really made his day too.
But, after we got off the plane and while we were waiting for our buggy, another British Airways cabin crew member called Jane, again who'd been onboard, came over to talk to us. She had obviously noticed Oscar and said she too had a daughter who has Down Syndrome, whose now 18 years old. She talked about how she had attended mainstream school and how she'd gotten 5 GCSE's. She talked of how she has loads of friends and has a boyfriend. She showed us photos of them both attending their prom and they looked so so happy.
We talked a bit about life with DS and how she and Oscar were getting on but the thing that has stayed with me since our conversation, is that she said she'd wanted to talk to us because she knows parents of young children like us, like to hear how older children with DS are getting on... And she's so right. She said that when her little girl was born 18 years ago, her consultant had said to them "Treat her just as you would your other children. Push her. Challenge her and she'll do great"... And she said that's exactly what she's done. It was only a brief chat, but it was so lovely of her to take the time to talk to us so openly and honestly.
So I wanted to give Chloe and Jane of British Airways Flight BA0725 a big shout out. A thank you for making our experience on the flight, just that extra bit special. All to often you only hear about the bad service you receive but these these two ladies really did go above and beyond... Thank you xxx
If anyone knows how this might reach them, please do like and share
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