View Full Version : West Atlantic new roster pattern announced

totty highflier
9th Jul 2016, 18:03
I recently heard on the grapevine that West Atlantic have just had a new roster pattern for the UK based 737 fleet approved by the board, to start January 2017.
Fixed roster pattern of 7 on 7 off, Sun-Sat inc.
That is their full time contract.
Could be an attractive contract for commuters.....?

23rd Sep 2016, 21:31
Any idea what the 'EASA FTL 10/28' roster for their ATP jobs based in CVT/CPH means?

26th Sep 2016, 11:06
10 days off in 28 day roster period.

Choice of either CPH or CVT base. Although its planned that the operation will move from CVT to EMA next year.

The ATP roster is not planned to become a week on/week off roster as yet, but if W.A continue to loose ATP crew at the current rate they will need to improve the salaries and conditions in line with the 737 and inline with the market rate and do it quickly at that...!

6th Oct 2016, 08:34
Any one have an idea how much a 737 skipper is on?

24th Oct 2016, 22:43
What is starting 737 FO pay for someone who is rated? A mate of mine lives near CVT and would be interested.

1st Nov 2016, 07:16
Regarding pay & pension, they ask you to email in to find out, but don't reply!
Does anybody actually know the Salary and duty pay???

Has any contact been made from WA after sending in a CV?

10th Jan 2017, 21:11
Captains are on just over £66,000 basic plus you get £1.85-£2.80 for every hour youre away from base, which adds up when youre away for 7 days. You also get an allowance for every 100 miles you fly in the aircraft which is between £4.58-£9.16 depending on the time of night/morning. Approximately £75K + all in.

FO's are on approximately £37,000 plus your £1.85-£2.80 for every hour youre away from base. The mileage is about half of what Captains earn. Day off payments have recently increased.

Its not bad for working about 5 months of the year as youre week on week off plus you get your leave. Therefore if you take one week leave you get three weeks off :)

12th Jan 2017, 18:32
Regarding pay & pension, they ask you to email in to find out, but don't reply!
Does anybody actually know the Salary and duty pay???

Has any contact been made from WA after sending in a CV?

As above
Captains take home around £4500-£4800
SFO take home is around £3000-£3300

7 on 7 off. Only a few rotations fill all 7 days. Many fall into Mon-Fri.

12th Jan 2017, 20:46
The one bad thing with that week on week of roster is that you never get a clear week end off. No good if you have school age children.

A Tuesday or Wednesdays start would be much better.

I've got 3 weekends off in the first two months of this year. All the others have finishes early on Saturday or starts mid/late afternoon Sunday. 1 is a weekend in LEJ which is followed by 10 days off in a row.

To say never would be exaggerating ;)

12th Jan 2017, 22:05
Deep nights are really tough I must admit but then again waking up at 03:30-4:00 AM on a week of early's is a killer too..Im not sure which one is worse ha... The Royal Mail routes are easy though, the latest finish is around 02:00 UK local time and most are just two short sectors..

These days whether its Low cost, night freight or long haul, they're all knackering unfortunately...

Regarding First Officers basic salary, its £33,458 for an FO and £38,630 for a Senior FO

Senior FO = 500 hours on type or 2 years in the company, which ever comes first

Hussar 54
13th Jan 2017, 15:41
I flew nights-only for 30 years and found it infinitely preferable and better for my health than the couple of years prior to that when I flew the usual kind of 4/2/4/2 mixed earlies / lates roster. Horses for courses, etc, but for me, the killer was always four successive 05.30 starts after a restless and shallow night's sleep as I was always afraid that the much needed deep sleep would cause me to oversleep and then miss the 05.00 to 05.20 Report Time.

And, of course, as most short-haul freight operations shut down for 36 hours or so between Saturday am and Sunday pm, I reckon work free weekends were always more plentiful than if I'd been flying people around rather than boxes.

17th Jan 2017, 18:43
Can anyone give an indication of the likely DE ATP Captain salary, bonding arrangements, etc. Any information gratefully received. Thanks in advance.

22nd Jan 2017, 09:29
Its around £55,000 all in and a 3 year bond.

The week on week off only applies to the 737 Fleet. And the 767 is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.