View Full Version : Ryanair looking to enter the Argentinian Aviation Market

20th Jun 2016, 20:46
Declan Ryan was in Argentina with the Andes Lineas Aéreas CEO and with the Argentina Transport Minister with the goal to enter as the first Low Cost Airline in Argentina next 2017. "It's just a matter of time" Declan said...

Only available in Spanish Laguage:
OTRA VEZ RYANAIR SOBREVUELA LA ARGENTINA. ESTA VEZ CON DECLAN RYAN EN PERSONA | Aviacion News | El portal de la industria aerocomercial (http://www.aviacionnews.com/blog/2016/06/otra-vez-ryanair-sobrevuela-la-argentina-esta-vez-con-declan-ryan-en-persona/)

Declan Ryan: "Vamos a triplicar el total de argentinos que viajan en avión" - 20.06.2016 - LA NACION (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1909895-declan-ryan-vamos-a-triplicar-el-total-de-argentinos-que-viajan-en-avion?utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Echobox&utm_source=Facebook#link_time=1466428999)


21st Jun 2016, 00:02
Hopefully it would open the market for Argentinian pilots over here...