View Full Version : Air France on strike (again)

fox niner
10th Jun 2016, 09:40
what are their demands?:{

-11% pay increase
-26 wide bodies to enable growth
-Transfer of flight routes from KLM to AF, to compensate for their dwindling production, when compared with KLM

Article in Dutch:

Frankrijk begint EK in mineur|Binnenland| Telegraaf.nl (http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/25974490/__Frankrijk_begint_EK_in_mineur__.html)

Surely I can try to understand that there are some grievances between the unions and the board, but hey, maybe if they started flying in stead of striking, their revenue will become better as well.

10th Jun 2016, 10:17
Rumor is that they also want to resuscitate and impose Vladímir Ilich Uliánov "Lenin" for president of France next year.

They also wish do dictate to ADP which level of profit they are entitled to:
Redevances aéroportuaires d’Aéroports de Paris : à la charge du Gouvernement | Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne (SNPL) (http://www.snpl.com/presse/communiques/lire/4043/)

Still, I hope they will be operating until the day I spend all my AF miles.

10th Jun 2016, 13:53
And woe be tide if you tell them to work more than 35 hours per week :=

de facto
10th Jun 2016, 14:50
Other airlines will enjoy such strikes…as usual..

10th Jun 2016, 15:48
- +11%!? Why? How many hours do they work for how much renumeration already!?
- 26 Wide bodies require financing, oh wait, the money is now not available anymore due to all the strikes carried out and losses incurred during them previously, so let's just waste more cash so there's less to spend on metal tins instead...
-Transfer flights form KLM to Air France!? How dare they take routes from the PROFITABLE airline in the group to prop up the LOSS MAKING one and demand increases pay and terms when the other party in the union has made cuts!

How about: NO

10th Jun 2016, 16:35
Agree with you, Skyjob. KLM are paying my pension, so hands off the profitable side of things.

10th Jun 2016, 18:27
- EZY on strike: Good for them
- LH on strike: Good for them
- SAS on strike (!) : Good for them
- AF on strike: Lazy greedy bastards!

10th Jun 2016, 20:35
The French mind set has always been high reward for little effort, which is why their nation is in a mess.

10th Jun 2016, 20:46
I don't know why there is so much interest in this after all " striking " is a French National pastime!!! It's a bit like the old joke about " The Female University student who had not demonstrated for a month and then thought she might be stagnant " . It's just a normal thing in France to do as little as possible for as much as possible. Good work if you can get it but it's not all that sustainable!

10th Jun 2016, 21:25
Are we done with the French bashing yet? the silly generalizations?
No, not all people are like the Air France pilots in my country. There are many dedicated, hard-working people. We may work less hours than some of our neighbors on average but the same figures show that we're more productive.
Yes, my country is held hostage by some, a minority indeed, who want to hold to privileges of another age.
But please be done with these disgraceful generalizations. They smell bad.