View Full Version : Roster easy bcn

4th May 2016, 05:07
How is the roster like in Bcn base?


4th May 2016, 07:40
At Vueling yes, not at easyjet in BCN.

4th May 2016, 08:03
Random roster

4th May 2016, 09:39
Can anyone give any details on the Spanish contract. Days off per month, leave, typical roster etc. Is it the same contract for BCN & PMI. Apparently there is no pilots agreement, just pure EASA FTL. Sounds a bit extreme.

4th May 2016, 10:02
11 days off/month, two are bookable (limited availability) rest is allocated. Often 3 days off in a row, but late finish before and early start afterwards. Sometimes blocks of 2 and even single days off. Difficult to commute.
25 days annual leave, bookable but limited availability during summer months and holiday periods.
Same for PMI, except four months of forced unpaid leave in the winter. 17 days lpaid leave of which only 10 are bookable, 7 allocated.

5th May 2016, 07:16
Thanks SpGo

Are the leave days in addition to off days or do you get less days off in the months you have leave. Can you swap duties/days off. Any options for part time in the winter. Any increase in salary for years served or bonus. How many hours a month on average and at what point does overtime kick in. Do you know how the Palma contract will work. A reduced fixed salary all year or no salary in the winter which also means no social security payments?

Are all these points specified in the contract?

Sorry for all the questions, there´s not much info out there.

5th May 2016, 07:46
If you are trying to compare the Spanish contract to other European contracts, there is no point doing so, at least now until SEPLA is active.

No fixed roster, no part time, no overtime, flying generally a lot (all under EASA FTL), no swapping duties for days off or viceversa. No bonus, nothing like that.

Apart from that, no pension, no sick pay (apart from the statutory sick pay), no incentives. Fairly low salary compared to other European bases, no holidays guaranteed during the summer season.

But if you are local or are intending to live for the rest of your life in Spain it is a good deal, gives you really good quality of life. But if it is not your case and you are just looking at it because you would fancy a bit of sunshine without losing to much money or conditions, it might not be for you.

10th May 2016, 10:46
very bad indeed, we all feel sorry for tonytylor :p