View Full Version : Just How Onerous is the `Chinese Class One Medical`?

saddest aviator
6th Apr 2016, 11:51
Can anyone give me a heads up on the chinese class one medical???

de facto
6th Apr 2016, 12:00
Lets put it that way...if you have something wrong they will find it and sometimes,rarely though,they may find something you dont have.:oh:

6th Apr 2016, 18:59
Not onerous at all. I passed in December. 72kg and 1.67m
Or about 150lbs and 5' 7"
MRI, ultrasound, etc. Thorough of course, but every initial Class One is.
I passed the Indian Class One in 2012 in Bangalore at the Air Force place.
I am no athlete, age 51.
The rumours about the standards seem to be conveyed by fat US guys who fail on BMI or stress ECG and cannot accept that away from FAA they are not deemed fit.

6th Apr 2016, 19:01
Now the ATPL is another question!

Deep and fast
6th Apr 2016, 20:27
I'm intrigued, tell about the atpl!

de facto
8th Apr 2016, 09:25
I am a fit middle aged.
My first brain scan (they place sensors on your scalp)showed problems so i was
sent for an actual MRI.
My brain was obviously fine...thanks god i aint that messed up,the nurse or doctor probably did not set the sensors correctly in the first place!
They found a small kidney stone,in their limit so no issue...try to get this discovered at your local easa GP:p
I have seen older and large americans working in my airline so they still pass,however not sure how smooth their medical screening go.....

8th Apr 2016, 10:20
Ha Ha, that ATPL comment made me laugh. I saw the stuff a friend of mine had to learn a few years back, it was mad. Learn the required answer, even if it is factually wrong!
Said person also got ill over there and had a devil of a job getting his medical back for something the CAA in the UK would have regarded as trivial.

Deep and fast
8th Apr 2016, 11:03
U.K. CAA used to do an EEG. God knows how I scraped through that one ))

8th Apr 2016, 13:37
Chinese medical very similar to my annual Air force medical, unfortunately they use recruit standards as guidelines

Falling Leaf
10th Apr 2016, 09:02
I hold a Class 1 with a restriction 'as or with co-pilot' due to a mild and infrequent heart arrhythmia. I'm guessing the Chinese will not let that one through.:}

21st May 2016, 06:25
Heart arrythmia is very big on the initial Chinese medical. They usually give you several EEGs to see if you get one which is normal. If the arrythmia continues you most likely won't pass. After the initial ie just a recurrent and something non-normal is detected on the EEG they will do a color ultrasound and a 24 hour Holter monitor to see the extent of your arrythmia. If they determine you have any other abnormalities you probably won't pass a recurrent. If it is something slight they might pass you with a waiver and an hours restriction usually 60 hours per month. You will do these tests every 6 months if you are on a waiver until eventually they fail you. If you have more than 15 prestarts in a 24 hour period you will fail. Many people have over 1000 prestarts and simply getting up off the couch to walk into the kitchen can cause a prestart so you need to limit your mobility during a Holter monitor test ie become a recluse on the couch.

23rd May 2016, 09:36
As the accident rate in the USA is far lower than China and the region, I'm not quite sure what the BMI of all those safe professional "fat US guys" has to do with it.

More breath testing, now there's a good idea......