View Full Version : SAUDIA take home pay !!

King on a Wing
4th Feb 2016, 13:51
Hey guys,
Can anyone please throw some light as to APPROXIMATELY how much would a B777 skipper make per month in USD if he flies say an average of 70 hrs on line. No overtime. Please factor in all per diems etc etc. House is looked after. And let's keep the kids education also out of the picture. So let's not factor those in either.
And whilst you're at it could you throw some light onto the tickets/passages available for family and self too please.
I hear that MONEYWISE, this is the best gig in town.
But not knowing WHAT is being made and simply guessing it by being inversely proportional to the conditions doesn't make it so.
Many thanks in advance for your replies.

4th Feb 2016, 21:01
Can't tell you especifically about your question, but an Advantage from here is that you probably save most of your salary as there is little to spend on.

Good luck!

King on a Wing
5th Feb 2016, 20:07
So nobody has any idea.....???
Oh well. Do write in if you guys have some realistic figures

6th Feb 2016, 08:45
You'll have to pm the people working there I'm afraid as no one publishes the figures publicly here

21st Feb 2016, 20:14
I have a cousin working there on the 777 takes home about 14,700 USD per month.

22nd Feb 2016, 10:07
A chum of mine says that it's average of 20,000 US per month.

If it is, I might look into joining him there.

Didacts and Narpets
24th Feb 2016, 14:06
Atom, have you actually ever been to the Kingdom?:=

24th Feb 2016, 17:44
I have a friend there and he is skipper on A320 and takes home around USD$16K x month. He says roster is good and they treat pilots well. Overall better package than the other Middle Eastern carriers.

27th Feb 2016, 23:58
Well before anything please bear in mind the training is very Wahabi orthodox. You will have to virtually memorise the FCOMs and procedures how the memorise the Quran. QRH you are expected to also memorise below the RECALL ITEMS word for word.
Training can be very tough and you just feel like a kindergarden kids how to unzip and pee.
There was a big recruitment recently from Malaysia Airlines crew by SV but apparently about 10 or so are quitting the training. They wont fail you but you can be dragged for more than a year during the training. They pay you well on the very day you reported to SV. They feel superior to the Asian and quite harsh.
....or maybe the Saudis are so scared of feel inferior to the Americans and the British that they do not treat the same how they treated the Asian.

28th Feb 2016, 02:37
Actually twenty five 777 training failures in the last month. I don't know if they have increased the level of difficulty in testing or if the quality of candidate is going down but coming to Saudia is a risk.