View Full Version : Is MOL a moderator here ?

2nd Feb 2016, 19:05
Where has the BA v Ryanair thread gone ?

Cliff Secord
2nd Feb 2016, 19:39
Another case similar to that of the airline that can no longer be mentioned? :rolleyes::}

2nd Feb 2016, 19:39
The originator of the thread was Normal Pilot.

Before getting carried away with silly ideas, why not ask him?

2nd Feb 2016, 20:16
A shame if he binned it, it had some quite interesting viewpoints actually, that gave food for thought to both sides.

Cliff Secord
2nd Feb 2016, 20:37
Micky taking in general must pass you by heliport. I love this website, full of sour pusses.

2nd Feb 2016, 20:46
That went straight over my head Cliff . . . I believe what he was suggesting was that Normal Pilot may have deleted the thread himself (as only he can do, along with the Mods ) what was your point ? I am only half-p1$$ed but may nonetheless be missing sum:rolleyes:fin here

2nd Feb 2016, 21:03
Exactly. :ok:

2nd Feb 2016, 21:09
They just couldn't handle the truth.... And I hadn't even managed to mention controlled rest and sleep inertia, more comedy gold! They actually tell you how to sleep in the chair and file it on the voyage report and that you need 20 min after you wake up from your 45 sleep before you can touch the controls, and all that makes it alright to do 12 hour days cos dr hans Gruber and the iaa said so. Not true? Believe it believe it not, all absolutely 100% fact.

Cliff Secord
2nd Feb 2016, 21:17
Evenin' captain play station. I was referring to his "silly ideas" remark. I presumed in response to myself. I was joking.

However I am quarter pissed myself so naturally the banterometer goes up and the serious tolerometer goes down. Enjoy :}

2nd Feb 2016, 21:38
I'm trying for the 3/4 now :D . . . . so, did I miss something controversial on the (now extinct ) thread ? didn't read it for a couple of days, but it all seemed relatively benign last time I looked.

Cliff Secord
2nd Feb 2016, 21:50
Last time I saw it 12 hours ago can't say it seemed anything spicey really. Unless it all kicked off after I checked with the ryanair chairs and curtains being set alight by fag butts and vodka.

Good luck on the home run :O!

2nd Feb 2016, 22:11
Normal pilot deleted it as he wasn't expecting someone like me to come along because he's used to people being afraid, except I'm not afraid one bit, am just telling it how it is. And yes MOL is a moderator by proxy as when he sees something he doesn't like he throws the dummy out of the pram and scares the bejesus out of forum moderators who come from a country where they have two amendments concerning the right to bear arms and free speech, only they ignore the latter one from time to time. What I said concerning how the airline is run is all factual and I would challenge anyone to quote me and tell me I'm lying. What do most if not all of you do before engine start on each pushback? You tell a lie. You even right down a lie on the same sheet you're meant to say when you slept during the cruise. Sound familiar? How about 'let's call it on time' or 'what'll we put the delay down to'. You get three grown adults who will discuss what bullsh/t they are going to right down to hide the fact that the last 25 min turnaround in Ryanair was in 1996, without batting an eyelid. Think about what you are doing.. You are undermining yourselves and the entire industry. A simple change like recording your times accurately would alleviate so much pressure off your shoulders, imagine turnarounds all went to 45-1hr. Imagine the change that would have on your duty? The same duty by the way that started 1hr before to 45 min after landing, then went 45min before 30 min after. Then went 45 before zero after. No really that actually happened. The effect on the industry outside of your company has been profound. There's a large airline somewhere between Europe and China that now operates 2 pilots on long haul trips. Ryanair with sand I call them. A colleague told me an absolutely hilarious story which I cannot vouch for but its good for giggles. So the story goes that the two boys are on a long haul cargo trip when the skipper decides he needs a wee so off he goes. After doing the business he spots a brand new Ferrari in the cargo hold. Lo and behold, it's open! So in he gets and closes the door. Boom. All doors lock, lights and siren goes off. He's stuck in the car. 25 min later the co pilot is looking around trying to figure out what's going on.. So he calls it in. Eh, ops, eh the captain is missing. They're like what??? Ok make sure all is well and go find him. So this guy gets out and looks around the crew rest are and loo, no sign of the skipper. Then he hears a noise. He looks in the cargo compartment and there he is. Palms on the glass and mouthing you know what. Except co-pilot can't get it open either. In the end they had to call Ferrari to instruct the captain how to open it and get him out. My point is this, they never dreamed of having two up front until we allowed it happen and dr hans Gruber and the iaa and the whole training department came up with a way for you to sleep in your seat even though you aren't tired. The same iaa who actually have the audacity to charge you 350 quid for your license. A piece of a5 paper. 350 quid. 700 quid if you become a tre, they line it with platinum. Except I made that up, it really is the same bit of paper it just costs twice as much because you got yourself promoted. Rat 5 said only the men in black suits and top hats can put manners on them, he's right and wrong, you can stop putting up with this carry on.

Flying Lawyer
2nd Feb 2016, 22:51
And yes MOL is a moderator by proxy as when he sees something he doesn't like he throws the dummy out of the pram and scares the bejesus out of forum moderators who come from a country where they have two amendments concerning the right to bear arms and free speech, only they ignore the latter one from time to time.


The overwhelming majority of moderators are British.
There are very few American mods on the open forums. (There are some on the closed 'airline specific' forums.)

except I'm not afraid one bitIt's very easy to be brave when posting anonymously.

2nd Feb 2016, 22:54

It could well be that you make good points. However, if you can't even spell 'write' correctly, or appropriately paragraph your diatribes, I'm not sure why anyone should be interested in what you have to say.

2nd Feb 2016, 23:01

As far as I'm concerned I didn't see any diatribes from BD. The removed postings were really interesting, at least for me. O.k, I've to admit that BD should start and use some paragraphs.

2nd Feb 2016, 23:02
Fair enough guys. The mods are Brits on a site registered on California no? so US laws apply, and if they didn't you got free speech in the uk also right? And sorry for the spelling error, if you don't want to read what I said you don't have to dude, but you will have to read the compulsory section on crew dock which I can assure you talks more crap then I ever could. Am sorry I should have pasted what I said on the other forum as that last post comes across the wrong way without continuity. I should have been mindful of that, so everyone I'm sorry I'm not having a go at anyone am just trying to show you what is happening from the perspective of someone who actively took part in all this. I am not better than anyone. I am however, on your side and really believe small things can change this industry for the better in every airline worldwide.

2nd Feb 2016, 23:03
Oh yeah.. I was beginning to think about using paragraphs.. Honest I was I just started ranting and I forgot. I will in future dude am sorry.

2nd Feb 2016, 23:20
And mr it's easy to be brave when posting anonymously.. If that's true why hasn't anyone raised some of the issues I have? Oh yeah, cos say anything too close to the bone and Ryanair sue to flush out your details from pprune right?? So not that easy!!

Again I guess you didn't read the other forum so I'll excuse the dig. Basically it won't be too long I imagine before you know exactly who I am because me and the taxman are going to court in uk over a little practise called rampant tax avoidance (of which I was the perpetrator) but along the way they asked me all about my contractor status and in fact say (shock horror) that I was a disguised employee. So I might just have to pay nutin because apparently I was an employee all along. I may even get my pension back that was removed after I was upgraded!! and my increment, which they said I don't get anymore one day randomly. And not have to pay the 100k bill.

2nd Feb 2016, 23:38
@ BD keep us updated, it will be interesting to see what is the outcome. For me it looks like that FR and the agency try to avoid a judgement. The last case in Germany was settled in a mutual agreement. Unfortunately (for FR and the agency) the investigations are going on....

4th Feb 2016, 22:00
I am actually gobsmacked with the little quantity of posts regarding FR related T&C in this forum, considering that there could be lengthy discussion about the (lack of) working conditions in FR.

So, in response to the OP, I can only think that the legal threats from a couple of years ago had their effect.

5th Feb 2016, 06:47
They haven't legally threatened me (as they know everything I said on the deleted forum was true) it's just that I've got the thumbs of a 70 year old after all my raving. I'd love it if they legally threatened me. Truly. I reckon I'd give the judge his or her most entertaining day at the office in ages.

Also I would just like to apologise to all for my lazy grammar and lack of paragraphs, it was a bit disrespectful to the forum and readers.

Kirks gusset
5th Feb 2016, 11:14
Perhaps the thread may have lasted longer and been of more interest if it had truly compared the merits and T+Cs of working for alternative companies. Unfortunately, like many of the threads, it degenerated into a personal soap box and the quality decreased proportionally as it drifted into the realms of fantasy!

5th Feb 2016, 12:51
Normal pilot deleted it as he wasn't expecting someone like me to come along because he's used to people being afraid, except I'm not afraid one bit, am just telling it how it is. And yes MOL is a moderator by proxy as when he sees something he doesn't like he throws the dummy out of the pram and scares the bejesus out of forum moderators who come from a country where they have two amendments concerning the right to bear arms and free speech, only they ignore the latter one from time to time. What I said concerning how the airline is run is all factual and I would challenge anyone to quote me and tell me I'm lying. What do most if not all of you do before engine start on each pushback? You tell a lie. You even right down a lie on the same sheet you're meant to say when you slept during the cruise. Sound familiar? How about 'let's call it on time' or 'what'll we put the delay down to'. You get three grown adults who will discuss what bullsh/t they are going to right down to hide the fact that the last 25 min turnaround in Ryanair was in 1996, without batting an eyelid. Think about what you are doing.. You are undermining yourselves and the entire industry. A simple change like recording your times accurately would alleviate so much pressure off your shoulders, imagine turnarounds all went to 45-1hr. Imagine the change that would have on your duty? The same duty by the way that started 1hr before to 45 min after landing, then went 45min before 30 min after. Then went 45 before zero after. No really that actually happened. The effect on the industry outside of your company has been profound. There's a large airline somewhere between Europe and China that now operates 2 pilots on long haul trips. Ryanair with sand I call them. A colleague told me an absolutely hilarious story which I cannot vouch for but its good for giggles. So the story goes that the two boys are on a long haul cargo trip when the skipper decides he needs a wee so off he goes. After doing the business he spots a brand new Ferrari in the cargo hold. Lo and behold, it's open! So in he gets and closes the door. Boom. All doors lock, lights and siren goes off. He's stuck in the car. 25 min later the co pilot is looking around trying to figure out what's going on.. So he calls it in. Eh, ops, eh the captain is missing. They're like what??? Ok make sure all is well and go find him. So this guy gets out and looks around the crew rest are and loo, no sign of the skipper. Then he hears a noise. He looks in the cargo compartment and there he is. Palms on the glass and mouthing you know what. Except co-pilot can't get it open either. In the end they had to call Ferrari to instruct the captain how to open it and get him out. My point is this, they never dreamed of having two up front until we allowed it happen and dr hans Gruber and the iaa and the whole training department came up with a way for you to sleep in your seat even though you aren't tired. The same iaa who actually have the audacity to charge you 350 quid for your license. A piece of a5 paper. 350 quid. 700 quid if you become a tre, they line it with platinum. Except I made that up, it really is the same bit of paper it just costs twice as much because you got yourself promoted. Rat 5 said only the men in black suits and top hats can put manners on them, he's right and wrong, you can stop putting up with this carry on.

Yowzer man, try using paragraphs:ugh:

It's nicer to sprinkle glitter on a paragraphed turd, than not at all;)

5th Feb 2016, 19:20
Paragraphs! Point taken. However is that a dig? You think I'm talking crap then come out and say it plainly please. And point out to me what parts you reckon are false.

5th Feb 2016, 20:51
Anyone rejecting Ba for any loco is not good in the head.
Maybe there is one or two that have a good reason to reject an offer from BA, but for the love of God : Do the tests and get the info from BA.
You can always return to hell!
But not trying, that is just weird.

Like your attitude : 25 minutes turnaround is rubbish.
Ontime departure when late on a document you sign , smart!
Think of all the illegal blocktime that has been claimed! If FAA or MOT in Canada find you lying on your hrs: License revoked.No more PopStar!

Yours Truly
Cpt B

5th Feb 2016, 21:37

You do realise, you can go back & hit Edit & rearrange your post (paragraphs & all ) . . . . I just knew that you would give a Sheet :D

5th Feb 2016, 23:15
Paragraphs!! Noted capt p. I have apologised for my lazy grammar and punctuation it won't happen again I promise.

5th Feb 2016, 23:41
Don't worry, anyone who gives a damn (about the content ) , doesn't really give a damn (about your lack of paragraphs ) . . . but, it does make it easier for us to agree with you :ok:

6th Feb 2016, 18:26
I think you will find the pilots logbooks are precise.

10th Feb 2016, 02:23



10th Feb 2016, 18:12
Some very funny and scary points in these videos. Very well made.

It is a very interesting dilemmia, and something that is seen across other sectors at the moment.

The world is now a massive consumer state, the people buying just want the cheapest service they can get. Look at Uber and the black cab battle, have a read of the online comments of news outlets covering the story. 90% of people are backing uber, saying black cabs are more expensive. People dont see the end result of peoples jobs at risk. They dont consider the 3 yrs it takes a cabbie to do knowledge, the 30k+ it costs them to buy a cab. They just see a guy offering them a £5 fare....Same with us...

Look at sportsdirect, zero hr contracts but they are one of the biggest companies selling sports gear, people just want cheap nikes. The sweatshops of the far east have now migrated to the backyards of the west, and people dont give a monkeys as long as they can buy their cheap consumables.

Need a builder? Why get local john, when vlad from romania will do the job for half the price?

The comparisons are so striking across all industries, it is really sad. Off course the corporates know this. Just need the masses to recognise what destruction to local jobs are going on. Remember, your kids will get it even worse when they leave school....

I used to have huge hate for unions, now I always back the workers. Why shouldnt we always back each other for wanting a better deal. Would you begrudge your family member or neighbour for getting a payrise?

The EU has really and truely, balls'ed up a lot of things. The sooner it collapses the better.

Christ, i sound like some bleeding corbynite!!!




10th Feb 2016, 20:37
These Vids are comedy gold . . . . except, well, nobody "providing services " will be laughing too much I would wager.