View Full Version : Spring Airlines A320 looking for Pilots

17th Dec 2015, 10:55
Shanghai based Spring Airlines is conducting roadshows in Berlin and London in January... Terms and conditions dont look too bad, considering that Shanghai is propably the only place where you want to stay in mainland china...
Anybody with deeper insights?:8

22nd Dec 2015, 14:51
Here' s their offer:
London Roadshow apparently 21th January, Sandman Signature Hotel Gatwick 1300h
Hope it is worth to go...

Flying Clog
23rd Dec 2015, 18:01
OK Nighty, I'll bite.

There's a very, very good reason they're paying 20-30,000 USD per month for a Captain (last time I checked), and struggling for applicants.

You would be an absolute maniac to want to live or work in China or work for a Chinese carrier, particularly a short haul operator.

China has exactly ZERO redeeming qualities.

There you go.

If they offered a 2 week on, 2 week off contract, for perhaps 30,000 usd plus with all taxes paid, with a guaranteed biz seat to commute back to your domicile back in civilisation, then some people might consider it.



Dan Winterland
24th Dec 2015, 14:51
There's a very, very good reason they're paying 20-30,000 USD per month for a Captain

And that's because nobody wants to go there. All the mainland carriers (except perhaps Air China) are crying out for pilots, but they don't exactly make it easy or attractive. We all talk to each other and we know how it is. Unless there's a big attitude change, they are still going to be wanting.

But that isn't going to happen......

26th Dec 2015, 08:42
That sounds pretty discouraging... is that personal experience? Is it true for any chinese operator? I had the idea that a young chinese low cost carrier based in Shanghai could be somehow different...cause living in Shanghai is quite ok, compared to any other city on chinese mainland!

26th Dec 2015, 22:44
No, it speaks volumes about how bad the job is.

For some people, Smooth Airperator, there is more to life than just money.

22nd Jul 2018, 00:12
We got an email more than 1 month ago from one of the lovely Bosses...

What changed in one month?


Same ****.
Same crappy roster
No increased salary
No reduced layovers
No reduced Fxxxx split dutys.

13th Jul 2020, 13:33
Many agencies are advertising the need of DECs. Any truth behind it ?

13th Jul 2020, 16:35
Even in the very best of times, do not expect any job in China to be "a quick fix". Even without any travel restrictions and with looming demand for pilots, the application process takes anywhere between 6 and 12 months for most who choose to go down that route.