View Full Version : Jobs

IFPS man
10th Dec 2015, 20:44
Why is it that the postings re DEP, FO (BA or VS) or other pilot jobs are on this forum rather than the I, j and s board?

10th Dec 2015, 20:58
The Interviews, Jobs and Sponsorship forum historically was for new/trainee pilots 'Wannabes' and it used to say that on the header to the forum but it looks like it doesn't state that anymore, thats probably why its in here as thats what people are used to unless things have changed? :confused:

Cliff Secord
10th Dec 2015, 21:05
IJS still appears under the wannabes banner group.

Once jobs are pinged up on this forum, always ends up in bun fights over terms and conditions anyway. So here seems best and most relevant. The one topic fits hand in glove with the other.