View Full Version : kernel32.dll

19th Jun 2002, 14:53
Had this error about a year ago - turned out to be a hardware problem, not software.

CPU was overheating and a beefed up fan fixed it.

19th Jun 2002, 15:00
Maybe this is the fault.
Currently KERNELL32.DLL is happening on my friends machine also. So the chance of both our hardware having the same heat problem maybe quite slim.
Norton Antivirus installation seems to be the common denominator! Still confused.
Many thanks for the reply.

19th Jun 2002, 15:23
Have a look at the following link, might help.

Kernel32 Errors (http://www.all-windows.com/kernel32.html)

Cheers, :cool:

19th Jun 2002, 18:33
No joy, using the above link. Result was A blank done screen, any thoughts?
Thanks for the reply

19th Jun 2002, 18:40
but the link works...:confused:

19th Jun 2002, 21:07
Strange.... Try this one...

Kernel32 Fixes (http://www.aumha.org/a/k32fix.htm)

Cheers, :cool:

20th Jun 2002, 04:50
Both links work today. Will now allocate time to digest the info.
Many Thanks to you all.

Hugh De Payen
22nd Jun 2002, 16:11

Just for further info, i had the exact same problem last month. After much confusion and desk thumping I finally got hold of the support desk. Removed Norton Anti Virus at their request and then reinstalled it, never had the problem again.
