View Full Version : Step child in Etihad, Qatar.

6th Nov 2015, 07:35
Hi everyone i am considering moving to Etihad or Qatar as a captain.

I am married and my wife has a son.My question is does the education allowance is provided for my step son?
And for the visa is there any issue ?

Thank you and happy landings.

6th Nov 2015, 13:35
you shouldn't have any issues as you are married.

6th Nov 2015, 16:42
thanks for the answer ! good to hear that.

8th Nov 2015, 22:48
Anyone else in the same situation willing to share their experience ?

9th Nov 2015, 02:00
I have 3 step children, as long as you are legally married, and children's birth certificates prove that your wife is their mother, it is not a problem......maybe just a hassle to get the documents attested to by your embassy/government. They do not differentiate between your biological or step children....all the same benefits.

9th Nov 2015, 07:16
We moved to a GCC recently, my wife and step-daughter are of different nationality to me. We had a nightmare obtaining a residence visa for my step-daughter despite being told by the company before joining it shouldn't be a problem, and having spent hundreds if not thousands getting all our legalisations and translations in order. The visa application was declined 3 times, the company didn't help at all, my step-daughter was unable to attend school, and they were ready to go home. We discovered at the 11th hour that a large brown envelope with the best part of that month's salary was required. Dodgy meetings in car-parks and forged signatures followed, but we got the visa.

Residence visas are issued for step-children officially - allegedly - but no one from the immigration service, embassy or company could tell us the rationale on whose application gets accepted and whose doesn't. Good luck if you're going to try it!

9th Nov 2015, 07:44
Hi,thank you for your feedbacks casablanca and waterpau.
May i ask witch country are you living in ?

9th Nov 2015, 09:06
Hey Arjal,

Ive been in Qatar for a couple of years. I can confirm that if you receive an offer (Make sure its a Family Visa) that you would not have any issues with a step child. This is offcourse only if you have the correct paperwork in place for everything. They are very strict on all paperwork.

You would need something along the lines of:

Unabridged birth certificates (Wife and stepchild)
Attested Marriage Certificate
All Qualifications Attested and translated to Arabic (Yours)
Also for QA obviously current Medical and all that jazz.

They should provide housing, and funding for school. Just be careful, as there are a lot of schools that have a HUGE waiting list.

Also, depending on what equipment you are rated on, the requirements have recently changed.

Hope this helps you a bit.
Maybe consider looking at a wider variety. :}

9th Nov 2015, 09:56
No problem and no envelopes!

9th Nov 2015, 11:00
thank you all for your answers.