View Full Version : Easyjet DEC in Southern Europe

29th Sep 2015, 13:46
Hi guys,

I read as much as I could about EZY, to try to figure out if it could be a good idea for me to try to jump in. When I read about Portugal, I had the feeling that I should run away. But the info is dated 2013 and latest rumours I heard from there where not so bad.

I ambition to join EZY as a DEC to live in Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal). I wonder:

- First, maybe, do you have any info that they will still recruit DEC there ?
- What type of contracts do they offer (I mean, can you move to one base to another later on or are they specific contracts to the location, like it is in Lisbon ?)
- What salary can I expect in each location ?
- Any thoughts about the waiting time for a CPT to move to France ?

Thanks for any info.

29th Sep 2015, 13:57
Hi Aspell,

My advice is to stay away from Portugal. The contracts are the worst in the easyJet network and the Portugese taxes are killing. As a captain more than 50% of your salary goes to the Portugese authorities.

There is a base freeze of 5 years for captains at the moment and it is unlikely that this is going to change.

To my knowledge Barcelona is slightly better. Taxes are a lot lower I believe.

The Italian contracts are quite good I believe.

If you want more information about the Portugese contracts send me a pm and I'll see if I can answer your questions.

Best regards,

30th Sep 2015, 11:26
The easyjet italian contract is one of the best in europe.
The bases on offer, see NAP, are not for anyone though.

Stay far from Portugal and Spain.

30th Sep 2015, 12:51
Thanks NLP. More or less what I heard... Anyhow, there are no opportunities now in BCN or Italy, as far as I know. I will continue digging into this direction, to see what comes up.

6th Oct 2015, 08:51
In BCN from feb 2016, no dec recruitment anymore, all aircraft full. Contract is permanent with 5 yr base freeze for dec.

Tax + soc segurity in BCN is around 35%, basic salary of 100000 you start with 5400 net basic salary. nominal sector pay 80e, 35 sectors a month, 66e per day tax free, gives you around 2000e net sector pay. This will be a bit more since almost all sectors will be factored 1,2 as mid range sector.

So total around 7400e net, holiday pay & bonus excluded, no pension, no soc benefits in the first year. I know, its not the best contract within ezy, but better than local competitors, life is cheaper then northern europe and you live under the sun :ok:

6th Oct 2015, 13:16
Is it legal not to pay any pension? In italy it is not (it is included in the social security deductions), and I would be surprised if it was different in Spain.

6th Oct 2015, 14:11
There are no ¨extra¨pension contributions. State pension is included in soc security contributions, but max amount after 35 (!) yrs contributing is 1500e per month... :* If spain still exists.... :eek:, other discussion...

6th Oct 2015, 14:25
Ok, then state pension is included.
If and how much will be paid, that's another matter...

6th Oct 2015, 15:17
BCN has no contractual right to transfer to another easyJet base. This is included in the contract. That means no way of joining any waiting list in the future. Make sure you are happy with this before you decide to join.

6th Oct 2015, 15:49
What about F/O, SFO salary in BCN?
Base freeze for F/O?
Thank you

6th Oct 2015, 16:12

Direct employment with Eazy, 7.500€ net/month plus bonus, car park, decent staff travel and variable roster.
That sounds like a dream contract if you compare it to the red nose one at the same base. Although the company is very nice to work for :):):)

6th Oct 2015, 19:01
BCN has no contractual right to transfer to another easyJet base. This is included in the contract. That means no way of joining any waiting list in the future. Make sure you are happy with this before you decide to join.

Sure about that?

BCN has no waiting list because it is based on social criteria. The info I have seen also outlines a base freeze before being able to transfer.
Why would there be a freeze period if no ability to transfer...?

6th Oct 2015, 21:23
Because I work for easyjet and have seen the contract as I was offer command but nicely declined it. I am earning more as na SFO that what I would be in BCN as captain. I only advice people to stay away from any easyjet employment, only then they will be forced to offer what old bases enjoy.

7th Oct 2015, 07:04
****!! that is not so good then.

Anyhow, take 10% pay cut on your net earnings. Get employed by a mysterious and an inept agency, car park away and soon all ops to be transferred to Ireland. Only then you´ll be on a par to the red nose bunch at the same base.

Don't forget how nice the company is though.

7th Oct 2015, 07:43

I've just re-read the document and can indeed see what you mean. :ugh:

7th Oct 2015, 22:01
staff travel is useless and risky on standby

Rule no. 1 in (low cost) aviation, to have some kind of normal life avoid commuting! If impossible look for other options, part time, long haul...

Anyway, decision to join or not under the offered T&C´s is very personal, depends on current employment/social/financial situation and ambition. Some prefer to make more money and stay SFO and/or are 15 days per month from home, some prefer to be at home every night but earn less money... No good or bad decision here, just do whats good for you.

But indeed, you must be fully aware of the conditions before accepting the contract. So conclusion regarding post of askell. Best south european base of ezy is without doubt in Italy or France. LIS and BCN are completely different, but conditions are still better than local competitors, you might have difficulties to move to other base and avoid commuting.

And last but not least, don´t worry about car park in BCN, you can use your scooter/motorbike 95% of the year :ok:

You rock
9th Oct 2015, 08:43
Good Morning

Could someone tell me some info on Ezy

I am 45 yrs old, looking at doing a Easa conversion, considerable wide body experience international ops. Have never flown a airbus.

Have a euro passport and wife is from Napoli.

If I were too get a easa conversion and a 320 type rating, what chance of joining ezy as a SFO 320 napoli base

Also what is the net take home pay for a SFO


9th Oct 2015, 11:35
Without hours on type it is difficult to say, really.

As an SFO in italy you can expect close to 6k net a month on average, roughly.

You rock
9th Oct 2015, 12:22
Without hours on type it is difficult to say, really.

As an SFO in italy you can expect close to 6k net a month on average, roughly.

Thanks dirk 85

Where could I get a hold of the contact number too speak too someone in recruitment.

Thanks for your help. Will try and not ask too many silly questions but do they do overnights. As I really don't want too go away from base

9th Oct 2015, 14:18
In Naples I am not sure, but in another big base in Italy you can expect almost zero layovers, in normal circumstances.

As for the contacts... unfortunately the official channel is through the recruitment website. I doubt you would be able to find a direct number without being already into the company, sorry.

Recruitment in Naples was happening some months ago, now not anymore. It was open for both rated and not rated, but as far as I know, most of the positions went to rated applicants.