View Full Version : Buffalo C-46 made belly landing in NWT

25th Sep 2015, 22:04
C-46 cargo plane was badly damaged in an emergency landing near Deline, NWT. All on board remained unhurt.

cbc (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/buffalo-airways-plane-deline-1.3244335)

jacdec.de (http://www.jacdec.de/2015/09/25/2015-09-25-buffalo-airways-curtiss-c-46-damaged-on-landing-at-deline-nwt/)


The Ancient Geek
25th Sep 2015, 22:11
Double engine failure ?
The prop in the picture tells us it was not turning.

pax britanica
25th Sep 2015, 22:19
Shame to see one of the last surviving Commandos like that-a great plane to watch.
Why the speculation about a double engine failure , the C46 was notorious for the fact that it could barely climb on two engines and if you lost one you were going down pretty soon. For its day it was big beast for two radials.

26th Sep 2015, 00:20
Too right I flew them in Columbia. Shut one down in the cruise start dumping the cargo out the rear door till the drift down stopped. We were left with 1 pallet.
Great to fly though. On take off the noise in cockpit was pure pedlam but great. :):):)

26th Sep 2015, 00:29
The C-46 - a very advanced airplane for its day - the first with powered flight controls, I believe?

26th Sep 2015, 00:41
did the sms system work?

When Safety Management Systems Fail | Skies Magazine - Aviation is our Passion (http://skiesmag.com/news/article/WhenSafetyManagementSystemsFail)

26th Sep 2015, 01:33
The only plane I know of that was, (by the CAB?), certified to fly through known thunderstorms.:eek:

26th Sep 2015, 01:38
Snow on the ground in September?
I know why I live where I do :)

26th Sep 2015, 01:59


West Coast
26th Sep 2015, 02:11

Thanks for the article, it's a good read.

Hotel Tango
26th Sep 2015, 13:57
Very sad news. I was lucky enough to see and photograph this particular C-46 in Yellowknife a few years back. Glad though that it was a prang the crew walked away from.

26th Sep 2015, 14:30
Do we know who the crew were?

26th Sep 2015, 14:54
Not the same aircraft, different call sign but still Buffalo Airways. They were supplying jet fuel to us (C-46 and DC4) while fighting fires in Uranium City, Saskatchewan Can.
The first pallets were easy but closer to the cockpit you were and more tricky it was to get them close to the cargo door. it's a lot of slope and hard to stop a 4x45gal drum pallet.

Good close up of the aircraft, especially the oil leaks. Don't listen to what I am saying, have got my C numbers mixed up.



26th Sep 2015, 16:26
hopefully they got it on film for the last season of ice pilots!

26th Sep 2015, 22:45
Nothing that Chuck won't be able to polish out! :ok:

26th Sep 2015, 22:58
"Some additional photos that suggest the #1 engine was delivering power at the time of impact."

If it was delivering power, the blades would be bent forward.

27th Sep 2015, 07:35
Mmmmmh . . . could it be that you missed the foreward speed that plane must have had when it hit the ground ?? Would be the first belly landing where I havnīt seen the propeller blades been bent backwards !!

27th Sep 2015, 07:37
Nice video, but most interesting is the fact that the plane shows the Lufthansa Crane under the cockpit window on the fuselage !! Didnīt know they were in Bush Flying involved at all !!

27th Sep 2015, 12:21
Must have been and old retired Lufthansa pilot flying it at the time, you never know what those ex-Airline guys will do to get back flying. :rolleyes: lol


27th Sep 2015, 13:29
C-FAVO is an ex Lufthansa bird, hence the logo.

27th Sep 2015, 16:15
Okay, two good remarks.
Unfortunately I do remember that the first 4 aircraft after WW II restart of Lufthansa were Convair 340īs. Ordered in 1953 and in service as of April, 1 1955.
Therefore fijdor might have it at the right end!!

27th Sep 2015, 17:13
Note the U.S. registration:

27th Sep 2015, 17:56
Looking at the asphalt (concrete) on the last photo, I am assuming that it must be it's usual parking spot.


28th Sep 2015, 07:58
Thanks for the photo!! One is never too old to learn !!
I checked in Wiki and there is brief sentence that DLH used leased C-46 as freighter in 1961. Okay, that was 8 years before I started my ATC career.

His dudeness
28th Sep 2015, 19:12
Speaking of ATC and C-46 plus Germany, my dad was the ATCO on duty in EDDS (Stuttgart) when a Seaboard & Western C-46 belly landed in thick fog... must have been 1960ish...

I remember that, cause dad had used one of the switches of the (then broken up) Commando on my go-cart, I had lights and a siren on it !!!

pax britanica
30th Sep 2015, 15:49
growing up v close to Heathrow in the fifities and sixties I had never seen a C46 and rather hopped to as they looked cool in pictures. Then one morning a strange piston sound ade me turn my head and there was the said C46 Commando dragging itself into the air.

It was marked upas Capital airlines and I was thrilled-of course it reappeared at much the same time for the next several years and was indeed on charter to Lufti so I guessed it was one that I had seen all those years ago when someone refered to the LH Crane on the nose. I never saw one in LH colour s though and it does look good in them.
If I remember correctly Capital (Capitol) also operated a C124 Globemaster into LHR around that time. Another non climbing aicraft and quite monster even before the put the second deck on and called it a C124 B which resembled a piston A 380


6th Oct 2015, 16:17
Any update on the aircraft might they be able to salvage it?