View Full Version : Vueling - Conditions and Pay

11th Sep 2015, 12:04
Dose anyone know what the current t's and C's are like at vueling?

Also what is the starting pay for FO's?

Approaching Minima
11th Sep 2015, 14:07
Vueling - Bolsa de Trabajo (http://public.vueling.com/Seleccion/Home/DetalleOferta/f97e85a8-4bd5-4d94-8c2b-c306a91b0b11)

Very interesting to see they need 200 pilots!

11th Sep 2015, 14:14
If you speak spanish you'll have the answers in boletín oficial. If you don't, just forget and better try Aer Lingus or Ryanair :O

13th Sep 2015, 21:11
Does any one know when they have assessments planned?

18th Sep 2015, 13:45
Just been invited for Oct 20th. NTR. Will be turning it down as I'm flying that day but i just had a look on PPJN, 17,000 for a type rating and 10,900 euros basic pay....... Is that for real? I've lived in spain and while its undoubtably cheaper, even if the add ons like flight duty/sector pay doubled that to 22,000 euros that would be a 60% pay cut from a Dash8 for gods sake!


18th Sep 2015, 14:53
Just been invited for Oct 20th. NTR. Will be turning it down as I'm flying that day but i just had a look on PPJN, 17,000 for a type rating and 10,900 euros basic pay....... Is that for real? I've lived in spain and while its undoubtably cheaper, even if the add ons like flight duty/sector pay doubled that to 22,000 euros that would be a 60% pay cut from a Dash8 for gods sake!


Can they really be paying that low. 17,000 for type rating seams Ok.
11k a year. How is that possible?

18th Sep 2015, 15:19
Surely cannot be right. But it does say €10900 pa base. My god.

18th Sep 2015, 15:38
Where does it say that?
Is it just pilotjobsnetwork.

Jerez flight instructors get 32k.

Anyone else get email calling for interview. I'm non spanish

drag king
19th Sep 2015, 10:09
Anyone else get email calling for interview. I'm non spanish

Another one here. I speak/read enough of the lingo to survive or impress a girl but that is about it. If they mandate any form of certification I might as well save me the ticket and the expenses to go to BCN to listen to their propaganda.

Those figures are simply not adding up to an even survivable lifestyle in any of their bases, let alone it is a "summer job". Anyone who joined recently that can shed some light on the real deal?

DK :uhoh:

22nd Sep 2015, 01:47
I'd love to hear the final figures!
I have a friend there and on the lowest level, the entry level he got 16000/18000 PER YEAR net.. Oh yeah working his ass off. Isn't that on the border of Poverty?

22nd Sep 2015, 05:06
Find a real job forget aviation..its not worth it anymore and at 17000 euro per year you 'll make sure more money as a cab driver with the difference that you can keep the side window open...

22nd Sep 2015, 06:50
Unbelievable guys are accepting this. How can you still look into the mirror??? No dignity at all. Just a buch of h##kers.

22nd Sep 2015, 10:03
Check out page 57, https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/07/15/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-7949.pdf. If your spanish is not good enough to understand it don't even bother applying to Vueling := Flying in summer about 80-90 hrs will get you around 2500-3000 net in fo lowest level.:ouch:

22nd Sep 2015, 10:06
When I flew in Europe, I got paid more than that per month! I can't believe people are accepting this c:mad:p.

22nd Sep 2015, 10:59
I have a friend there and on the lowest level, the entry level he got 16000/18000 PER YEAR net.. Oh yeah working his ass off. Isn't that on the border of Poverty?

No it's not close to poverty. But yes, it is not acceptable for a professional pilot, and it should be just that-not accepted by anybody.
Welcome to the future

22nd Sep 2015, 15:34
When I flew in Europe, I got paid more than that per month!

Nice to know! All we need is one of these then:


Sorted! Simples! I wonder hom much the rating would set me back, tho!


22nd Sep 2015, 20:22
I have a friend that paid his type rating in vueling few year ago.

Now is tri/tre in the same company: total time 4500hrs, something a la ryanair model...

He always complain how little is paid. I take any opportunity to remind him that it is his own failure. Also, everybody else is paying for his mistake...

22nd Oct 2015, 16:30
If it is a summer contract with that salary and that cost for the type rating, then it is clear to me that what they are really doing is to solve Vueling peak manpower needs by means of a pay-to-fly program: desperate pilots without opportunities will pay the money (or work for free, which is the same) and end with the type rating and 500 hours or so. It's a good deal for them, at least better than being unemployed. Of course, p2f should be forbidden, but it is not, so that's what we get.

fox niner
22nd Oct 2015, 18:35
It's a good deal for them, at least better than being unemployed. Of course, p2f should be forbidden, but it is not, so that's what we get.

Well, actually, it isn't.
The pay is so low, it is even LESS than minimum wage in the country I live in. (NL) minimum wage is €1502 PER MONTH.
So to all pilots that might be considering whether to fly for Vueling, think again. You might as well move to Amsterdam, flip some burgers at the local McD, and make more money. Saves you from paying up for a type rating.
And when you make that kind of money in NL, you don't pay taxes. Don't worry.

fox niner
22nd Oct 2015, 18:39
Come to think of it,
Since you are elligible to work for Vueling, you are also elligible to apply for an unemployment social benefit in NL. Which is about €14000 per year. You don't need to work, just move here and apply. Forget Vueling.

drag king
26th Oct 2015, 22:24
Anyone that attended in the 20/10 that has heard back from VLG?

DK :*

30th Jan 2019, 09:33
Hello guys. Does anyone have an update on the conditions and contracts Vueling is offering to Junior First Officer? Just read they don't require Spanish level 4 anymore.

Daddy Fantastic
30th Jan 2019, 17:14
Hello guys. Does anyone have an update on the conditions and contracts Vueling is offering to Junior First Officer? Just read they don't require Spanish level 4 anymore.

Where did you read that and are they hiring? My mate needs a job badly.

30th Jan 2019, 18:11
Where did you read that and are they hiring? My mate needs a job badly.

pilotjobsnetwork.com and I know some french guys who went for an assessment in BCN last month. Some of them passed.

31st Jan 2019, 21:32
The details about the contract will be shared on an exclusive interview with the Chief Pilot on the day of the assessments.

From the information I handle, I can tell you a few things though. Initially, we have a seasonal contract, that in two years’ time could become permanent depending on performance. The bases we have in Europe are TLS, NTE, BOD, SXB, VRN, VCE, GOA & PMO, we do not know which base would be in your case, but we do take into consideration the pilot’s preference. I can also tell you that for a CP in France, that flies 90 hours in high season, the approximate monthly salary is 10.000 euros.

These are the spanish bull's ur dealing with. good luck.

1st Feb 2019, 08:57
The details about the contract will be shared on an exclusive interview with the Chief Pilot on the day of the assessments.

From the information I handle, I can tell you a few things though. Initially, we have a seasonal contract, that in two years’ time could become permanent depending on performance. The bases we have in Europe are TLS, NTE, BOD, SXB, VRN, VCE, GOA & PMO, we do not know which base would be in your case, but we do take into consideration the pilot’s preference. I can also tell you that for a CP in France, that flies 90 hours in high season, the approximate monthly salary is 10.000 euros.

These are the spanish bull's ur dealing with. good luck.

just to clarify: the French tax system is in transition right now, but up until now the net salary you get every month is before income taxes, so you will not have 10000 in your pockets, but a lot less

1st Feb 2019, 16:32
You must be speaking about Volotea so you are posting in the wrong topic.
indeed he/she is talking about Volotea

1st Feb 2019, 16:56
I can tell you for sure, talking about another airline and not Vueling.


QUOTE=Klimax;10376890]The details about the contract will be shared on an exclusive interview with the Chief Pilot on the day of the assessments.

From the information I handle, I can tell you a few things though. Initially, we have a seasonal contract, that in two years’ time could become permanent depending on performance. The bases we have in Europe are TLS, NTE, BOD, SXB, VRN, VCE, GOA & PMO, we do not know which base would be in your case, but we do take into consideration the pilot’s preference. I can also tell you that for a CP in France, that flies 90 hours in high season, the approximate monthly salary is 10.000 euros.

These are the spanish bull's ur dealing with. good luck.[/QUOTE]

2nd Feb 2019, 04:35
“Exclusive” interview. Spaniards too! Where do I apply?

10th Feb 2019, 09:50
They don't care about spanish level 4. I did my interview in 50/100 French and 50 English.
They were extremely vague on the terms and conditions.
They did insist on the fact that if you are on a spanish contract you will be on a six month contract :ugh: So they can put you aside in winter without paying you.
In France it is impossible due to the legislation so you are on a permanent contract. But you are still payed like ****.
As far as pay goes, you are not payed until you are online. (not payed in line training actually flying the bird)
I am not sure about the pay scale.
They said it was around 7 years to upgrade to Capt.

I didn't take the job...

10th Feb 2019, 11:16
You must be speaking about Volotea so you are posting in the wrong topic.

Yeah mate, you’re right, I mistaked this Vueling gig with another bottom feeder “airline”.

10th Feb 2019, 19:28
They were extremely vague on the terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions are easy to find online in details https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/07/15/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-7949.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiKvtmp-7HgAhULaVAKHajbClAQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw1hSnXPIb_Xim32l6i_Bj7K

So they can put you aside in winter without paying you.

It doesn't happen. There's a condiderable lack of pilots and no one who recently entered in the company was stopped during the winter, everyone kept flying normally, ofter covering other base s deficiencys.

As far as pay goes, you are not payed until you are online.

That's completely false, you do get paid during the line training. What is true is that you get paid based on the entry level; after you complete the training you go to the level you are, based on your hours.

I am not sure about the pay scale.
See above

I didn't take the job.
I honestly would have done a bit more researches before refusing the job. Now I'm not saying it's the best job you can find, but it definitely has some nice stuff you won't find in many other companies (see extra crew, zed tickets ecc). The salary is lower than easy, Ryan, Norwegian ecc but it's bound to improve soon.

11th Feb 2019, 23:12
FYI all new recruits based in spain have been signing a full time permanent contract from day one, for more than 2 years now. Things have changed.
unexperienced FOs based in France can expect 3500 euros per month and salary would go up to 5 to 6000 euros per month for ecperienced FOs, that is with a permanent french contract. As someone wrote above, at Vueling you have loss of licence insurance, private health insurance, zed tikets with most airlines in the world, unlimited vueling staff tickets for 8 family members of your choice, iberia staff tickets for parents or sisters and brother, and free jumpseat for yourself. More benefits which I will not mention here, and of course free class 1 renewal, free parking card, free uniform including shoes, socks, luggages,.... all those basic things that I am affraid you will have to pay at Ryanair, my friend. Good luck and enjoy Ryanair :)

What an awesome airline - to build hours and then get the f@ck out of there.. How nice - you get ID ickets for your brothers and sisters, and benefits like class 1 renewal, a parking card... shoes... What at bloody tool from another school.. Can I ask you a personal question - did your parents pay for your "ticket"? Go to a real airline or stay ignorant.

12th Feb 2019, 08:41
What an awesome airline - to build hours and then get the f@ck out of there.. How nice - you get ID ickets for your brothers and sisters, and benefits like class 1 renewal, a parking card... shoes... What at bloody tool from another school.. Can I ask you a personal question - did your parents pay for your "ticket"? Go to a real airline or stay ignorant.

You clearly have a problem with Vueling, did you fail the interview with them?

The benefits are great, they let you do the type rating wherever you want, the atmosphere at work is amazing, cabin crews are hot, a fo during the first years will earn an average of 3000+ euros (and its going to rise very soon) and as already said above you fly fore free with vueling plus you have a huge amount of vlg+iberia+zed tickets for you and for your family/friends.

Of course is not the perfect job, things like FO salary and roster changes in bcn have to be fixed, but overall is not a bad deal at all.

Ps: do some researches, you thought Vueling was Volotea just few days ago!

12th Feb 2019, 11:50
You clearly have a problem with Vueling, did you fail the interview with them?

The benefits are great, they let you do the type rating wherever you want, the atmosphere at work is amazing, cabin crews are hot, a fo during the first years will earn an average of 3000+ euros (and its going to rise very soon) and as already said above you fly fore free with vueling plus you have a huge amount of vlg+iberia+zed tickets for you and for your family/friends.

Of course is not the perfect job, things like FO salary and roster changes in bcn have to be fixed, but overall is not a bad deal at all.

Ps: do some researches, you thought Vueling was Volotea just few days ago!

"....More benefits which I will not mention here, and of course free class 1 renewal, free parking card, free uniform including shoes, socks, luggages.."

I totally get it boys.. Do I get the socks before or after the line training is over.. I'm all over it.

12th Feb 2019, 14:48
"....More benefits which I will not mention here, and of course free class 1 renewal, free parking card, free uniform including shoes, socks, luggages.."

I totally get it boys.. Do I get the socks before or after the line training is over.. I'm all over it.

The socks thing deserves special mention as you get a MASSIVE amount of socks!! I think I got like 20 or more pairs.
And yeah, the best part is that you get them even before the line training!!

12th Feb 2019, 14:59
Need to speak with my union rep, it is unacceptable that we don’t get socks in my company.
I am willing to sacrifice private pension scheme and company shares scheme over this precious benefit.

12th Feb 2019, 17:06
Need to speak with my union rep, it is unacceptable that we don’t get socks in my company.
I am willing to sacrifice private pension scheme and company shares scheme over this precious benefit.

have a look on the uniform store ;)

15th Mar 2019, 13:33
Hey guys,

Im preparing for the Cae Assessment in the Vueling Cadet program and as you can imagine Im really worried about the payment of the loan through the first years if i get to pass.
I have already seen the tables of the Convenio but I would appreciate some insight from current employees of Vueling as what is the average net pay at entry level for F/O given the base salary+variable.
I have also noticed that there is a harsh negotiation going on so I guess this will have a big impact on the tables also.
Thanks a lot for your help!

16th Mar 2019, 10:42
What is happening with the European base closures, Ams and now ZRH, is Vueling re-trenching to just the SPANISH bases..?

21st Mar 2019, 23:07
They don't care about spanish level 4. I did my interview in 50/100 French and 50 English.
They were extremely vague on the terms and conditions.
They did insist on the fact that if you are on a spanish contract you will be on a six month contract :ugh: So they can put you aside in winter without paying you.
In France it is impossible due to the legislation so you are on a permanent contract. But you are still payed like ****.
As far as pay goes, you are not payed until you are online. (not payed in line training actually flying the bird)
I am not sure about the pay scale.
They said it was around 7 years to upgrade to Capt.

I didn't take the job...

Did you ask questions about the type rating ? Is it a possibility of bond or is it self-funding, and in this case, how much ? And also where it is provide ?

25th Mar 2019, 21:08
Gamesix, I attended an interview for a vueling MPL recently and the spanish first officer MPL contracts are seasonal only, ie there's a possibility you could have to find other work in the winter - keep that in mind if you are considering taking on a lot of debt.