View Full Version : Aircraft Evacuation Training Videos

Spunky Monkey
9th Sep 2015, 20:27
In the dim and distant past when I was doing my CRM training, we watched many a video about aircraft certification.
One video that particularly struck a cord was how aircraft were certified in relation to evacuation of PAX.

There were several tests done, showing people trying to exit calmly down the slides. There was a very telling test, where several people give $20 if they were able to get off before 20 people or so. They climbed over seats and pushed and pulled other people, to simulate people panicking.

It was a real eye opener.

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to where I could see these videos and use them for preparing a training presentation?

Many Thanks

9th Sep 2015, 21:32
The late professor Helen Muir of Cranfield University conducted evacuation experiments as described above. The research resulted in several improvements in cabin layout and further insights of human behaviour.
Videos of the tests might still be available, but I suggest careful consideration of their value in operational training. As much as a financial incentive provided an urgency factor, the simulations lacked the fear of a real event and the volume of passenger carry-on baggage.


Rwy in Sight
10th Sep 2015, 08:02
I seem to remember (although I don't recall if it was a reliable source or not) that pax from the Manchester accident stated (after seeing the video) that the pressure, rush, desire to get out they experience was there.

Spunky Monkey
10th Sep 2015, 13:19
Thank you very much for that PEI.
Sad to hear about Helen Muir, I believe it was her who showed me the videos.