View Full Version : What is BA long haul really like?

WX Man
7th Sep 2015, 10:38
All the way through training, early stages of my career, and now into the middle stages of my career, people talk about BA long haul like it is the prize to aspire to.

Is this still the case? Is it still something to aspire to, or is it going the way of EK? What sort of locations do BA longhaul folks commute from (i.e., can you pretty much live wherever you want in the country)?

7th Sep 2015, 10:47
is it going the way of EK? What sort of locations do BA longhaul folks commute from (i.e., can you pretty much live wherever you want in the country)?

You'll have to ask the EK folks about EK...

As for BA - commuting from within the UK shouldn't be too much of a problem, for the foreseeable future, as long you're not too far off the beaten track. That said to be honest it's not a easy as it was even a couple of years ago to produce a commuter friendly roster with decent gaps between trips but even so you can live pretty much anywhere in Europe that's near a handy airport, and there are a few who commute from even further afield. Whether that will continue to be the case as BA Long haul moves closer to full EASA FTLs in a few months (where for example "back to backs" almost certainly won't be an option), and then again in a year or two when there is another step change in the scheduling system formerly known as Bidline - who knows?

7th Sep 2015, 15:13

Having done both for nearly 30 years I can help you out...

It's two different airlines. When I changed from shorthaul to longhaul I kept being astonished at the differences and whilst both sections are under pressure to cut costs there is nothing to compare an early start 4 sector Airbus day and an evening report single sector trip to the sun.

It's all about pace and lifestyle - the money is comparable because many spend the extra downroute having a bit of a life. Seniority isn't hugely important on the 747 fleet as most people find the sort of trips they like and many are much of a muchness.

In the end it comes down to family - shorthaul suits many with young families whereas longhaul keeps you away more.

The flightcrew are all super and it made going to work a joy :ok: