View Full Version : R44 Operating Costs?

31st Aug 2015, 20:06
Just wondering if there is any private owner who could share a breakdown of costs of operating a R44 Raven II, the more detailed the better.

Once upon a time there were lots around in the North West (UK) and now there seems to be only one that is near to the end of its life , so I was thinking about buying one and have a 12yr 2200 hrs possibility identified.

Three options.

1 Buy it myself and rent it out through a school.
2 Get a syndicate together.
3 Buy it and keep it for myself!

I have read the post from 2009 but are looking for some more up to date information if possible?

1st Sep 2015, 07:58
I have recently been through the same decision process before I bought my third R22. Option 1 means it is never around when you want to use it plus the increased maintenance costs plus low utilisation by the school and the risk of expensive misuse make it a non starter in my opinion. Two of us decided option 2 was the best bet, but despite advertising widely over a period of several months only succeeded in attracting wanabees without the necessary funds. So in the end I wound up with option 3 which is the only one that really works (however with an R22 again).

1st Sep 2015, 09:46
Option 3
Is the way to go.
Opt 2
Worked for me but the other partners (2) were close friends before the helicopter, not people I had just met.
Option 1
The school\hire option as "muffin" said.
When the big bills arrive & they will has the rent covered them, or can you afford them or
Option 4
Hire in from someone else

John R81
1st Sep 2015, 10:41
If option 3 is realistic then that is clearly the way to go.

Any kind of misuse / mistake can be very expensive. Overspeed the rotor, fail to stick within MAP limits, etc are all expensive to correct if you know about them, and dangerous if you don't know about them. unlike some more expensive machines the R44 does not capture exceedences and report them, along with the flight number, so that (a) you know it happened and (b) whom to bill.

If going for option 3 you might find a low-remaining hours / long years left model which would be relatively more value to you for sole use, as value depreciates according to hours / time remaining.

parasite drag
1st Sep 2015, 13:07
Do you actually need the 4 seats FeelForIt?

1st Sep 2015, 20:44
Knowing you as I do, id go down the syndicate route, best of both worlds. Rent to a school it will get trashed, keep for yourself and you will never use it.

Our 500 syndicate at barton works brilliantly but there has to be trust between the owners or things break down.

6th Sep 2015, 08:39
Agree with Stringfellow!
Flying schools usually take the rental hire on the day, owner usually gets excuses on invoice due to flying school using the money to pay other creditors like airport landing fees, rent, fuel etc.
Syndicate with sound guys, or dry lease.


6th Sep 2015, 09:02
Where abouts in the NW are you looking to base it?

6th Sep 2015, 14:55
Great to see you back Pennine boy we really should go out for a fly sometime. As feelforit has not responded yet il offer some context to the debate. He is genuine and a long time aviator, not a wannabe nor does he need to make money out of it. The machine will be based out of blackpool.

I see the last poster was a fellow cumbrian pm me if you want to talk rotors!!