View Full Version : Ryanair contract pilots and family tickets

23rd Jul 2015, 16:54
If you are a pilot contracted via Storm MCGinley and fly for Ryaniar, does your family/spouse get any rebate tickets?

737 Jockey
23rd Jul 2015, 17:36

23rd Jul 2015, 19:19
No, only Ryanair employees get six per year for family / friends and unlimited personal standby tickets

2nd Aug 2015, 13:23
How does it work if there already are other jumpseaters? Since there is no seniority, who get's to go and who stays?

3rd Aug 2015, 07:33
IIRC, the jumpseaters (non-ticketed) are out. Lowest on the list, even if they're going to work.

3rd Aug 2015, 15:57
I remember being in MAD and having 13 jumpseats to go back to STN and only about 7 seats. Captain had to make a decision, ended up being people who were commuting TO work got priority (sensible), those returning ended up on the LGW which left 2 hours later.

4th Aug 2015, 09:24
Commute to work is first, then prioritized by date of joining the company.