View Full Version : Ryanair - Current Pay Scale and UK Basing Options

19th May 2015, 09:51
Is there anyone out there with up to date knowledge on:

Pay scale for direct entry Pilot (FO 5000+hrs) on a FR UK contract.

Are the rumours of accelerated command (6 months) true?

Current base choices/offers

Average flying hours for the last 12 months.

Vacation entitlement and availabilty.

I would also like to know if working conditions have got any better since 2012. (previous employee).


19th May 2015, 10:46
Pay scale, ha good one!

UK sterling is £20,000 plus an allowance and £18 ish for a block hour. £2500 a piece for a pension. Yes commands possible quickly especially if you do a winter with us.

19th May 2015, 10:51
No knowledge, but here's a good guess:
- FR UK contract is not great basic pay, but with allowances and base agreement you take almost double compared to what's on paper on offer, don't expect thus a large basic pay;
- Accelerated command, please define, as company allows high hour FOs relatively fast upgrades regardless. Usually it means one winter (or part thereof) and 2 LCKs, the first of which is already after your OCC (500 hours rings a bell from forum reads as well), your second LCK is 3 months after initial LCK. Thus if you start in spring you may have a bit of a wait until winter criteria are satisfied, but if starting in late summer you will be on line in autumn, have second LCK in winter, job's a good one within 6 months (one example ). Plenty of courses for upgrade available with expansion next year, 50 aircraft I think, possibly split as part replacement, part fleet growth;
- Current base offers are subject to demand and may not be UK bases as majority of bases simply are not in UK and some UK bases have waiting lists for FOs to return to UK, however, sometimes you can be lucky or get a relative fast transfer to UK. If you are offered a UK FR deal, you will be based in UK by definition, as UK FR deals are UK base bound, thus you will not be a contractor but employee and operate out of your determined base only (99.99% of time);
- Average hours depend on base, some have lots of training going on, others less so, aircraft in base, crew already in base, etc. But safely aim for 700-850 hours with most bases operating local base agreements enabling 5 on / 4 off, alternating early or late rotations;
- Vacation entitlement as follows, one calendar month (in low season, but not during your sim month) mandatory to be chosen in preferred order by you, awarded subject to others in your base requesting the same month (e.g. December is for more often bid then e.g. November), plus a number of days you can request at random, in block of no more than 3 at a time, all awarded/declined subject to base availability, which thus may mean that a request denied initially may be available in a few months due crew movements if in a big crew base like e.g. STN;

Working conditions have, like FR customer service levels, been on the rise in last few years, slowly improving over time, more base transfers accomplished, more information forthcoming from FOPs, personal iPads, ... Would like to think that FR realise they have to treat staff better in order to retain them in order to sustain proposed growth.

19th May 2015, 11:34
Improving working conditions? :eek:

19th May 2015, 12:57
FR UK contract is not great basic pay, but with allowances and base agreement you take almost double compared to what's on paper on offer, don't expect thus a large basic pay;

That would suggest a 3% pay rise is in fact only 1.5% as it would apply only to basic salary. As the add ons are not guaranteed the anticipated annual income is crystal ball. Why don't the so-called contractors put in their invoices for what they consider a fair rate, as my plumber does? He quotes for the job and I pay it. Curious why the tail wags the dog. But then I know why; no need for lengths of explanation.

19th May 2015, 16:44
Not sure if I have noticed any change for the better over the years. Never had a base transfer, vacation always happens at company's mercy, some broken promises. Ok iPads, wow, great! Makes work a little easier, but it's not a life changer. Pay has gone up for some, down for others. It's complicated.

19th May 2015, 19:02
Thank you for the input guys, appreciate it. I did 4 years at FR and then I headed with the hoards to the desert. I'm looking into a return to blighty as I still have my 738 rating, so it may be an option to get home.

I heard from a little birdy that UK contracts we up for offer but as always everything is cloak and dagger and you have to sive through the :mad: to get to the facts.

Any move will be with eyes wide open.....

19th May 2015, 21:46
StallStrips post sums up nicely how bad this job is now. People work their way "up" to the sandpit or the smelly harbour, then when they realise that it is not what they thought it was, all they have to come back to is pikey and the like.:ugh:

20th May 2015, 14:55
If they are so great, why do you think they are short of pilots?

20th May 2015, 15:03
A very minute reason for why they might be short of pilots is due to the 150 odd aircraft being delivered.

Pin Head
20th May 2015, 15:27
150 this year? :)

This year delivery rate?
Next year?

20th May 2015, 15:32
I cant comment on life pre 2012 as I'm relatively new although I'd say the rose tints have worn off enough to give a fair assessment. Overall my experience has been good, first choice base within 6 months, forecasting 810 hours for the year to the end of this month. Didn't get any of my 3 choices for winter month off however I did get a block of 5 off in the summer enabling 13 consecutive days (previously un-heard of). As you've been here before I'm sure your aware not to believe all you read, for me anyway it's working out nicely. Just trying to pursue a contract now instead of continuing my studies for a degree in accountancy :E

Callsign Kilo
20th May 2015, 16:28
"Improving working conditions" - I'd think twice before using those words and 'Ryanair' in the same sentence. People are still leaving folks, regardless of the level of base transfer activity, personal issue IPads and flowery memos from the DFO.

20th May 2015, 16:46
Does anyone know how strict they are with the 3yr 737 limit?

I'm interested but haven't flown the 737 for 3rs 4months (but still have a valid type rating).


20th May 2015, 16:58
SK1 - I'm not in FR....

Under EASA, if your last LPC expired more than 3 years ago, then you have to do a full type rating again... I'm guessing this is where the 3 year limit comes from.

20th May 2015, 17:33
Thanks Cough,

I am aware of that limit and have been renewing my 737 rating while flying the 777, so it is still valid, it's just the Ryanair company requirement to have flown the aircraft within the last 3yrs that I no longer have.

20th May 2015, 17:47
Thanks once again for all the imputs.

Is anyone brave enough to post actual take home pay (Net). Also is the 10% less for new Capt rule still in effect?

FO Ryanair Contract UK:
FO Agnecy (Storm):

Capt Ryan Contract UK:
Capt Agency (Storm):


Callsign Kilo
20th May 2015, 18:51
The 90% contract relates to a new upgrade on a permanent contract WITHIN the company. It is applied to basic salary. Not aware of anything other than a training bond for DECs or DEFOs, regardless of contract or provider. Think this is around €5K if already rated. Uncertain of the time period however new upgrades are bonded for 24 months (non decreasing).

21st May 2015, 11:49
How do these two 738 Operators stack up against each other in Pay and T&c's Rosters ect ect?

I know they both run a very smilar business model using full time and agency pilots.

Who is the happier work bunch?


21st May 2015, 15:08
I'm looking to jumpship from NAS for a variety of reasons, not withstanding constant base changes, FR could be one destination so I am also interested in hearing this answer.

Mr Boombastick
21st May 2015, 16:47
Lots of lads returning to FR from NAS, it seems at least in FR you know where you stand. Think a lot of lads pretty peed off at being forced to take several months leave this winter.
NAS seem much quieter this year, they were everywhere last year but don't seem to be seeing many around, especially in places they were prolific last year - AGP, Canaries etc.

Net pay is very subjective as it depends massively on expenses, also the strength of the euro - I'm based in UK and paid in euro, I've lost over £5 an hour over the last year due to the Euro / £.

I don't think you can expect to join the company as a DE FO and get a UK base straight away. They're supposed to be implementing a transparent base transfer system with some kind of seniority / waiting list, there's a lot of lads still stuck down in The arse end of Europe waiting to get back to the UK, but you never know you may get lucky.
If you're returning I wouldn't be surprised for them to say you can have a job but expect to be stuck in a dump for a while.
Not too much bother if you're hoping to do the command. You'll need a winter and a couple of checks so I'd say plan on a year.

Is the desert really that bad?! I'm hearing of lots of lads wanting to come back to fr, as someone who's considering the move myself it's really got me thinking... PM me if you want figures.

Good luck. Cheers

21st May 2015, 19:25
StallStrips post sums up nicely how bad this job is now. People work their way "up" to the sandpit or the smelly harbour, then when they realise that it is not what they thought it was, all they have to come back to is pikey and the like.

Lots of lads returning to FR from NAS, it seems at least in FR you know where you stand.

This not a comment about any company in particular, but I counsel about confusing issues. Consider the 2 comments above. There is a difference between wanting to leave the ME, or China, or Scandanavia, and return to Europe even home, and wanting to return positively to the same company you left. It could be that the motivation is the former and the only opportunity is the latter. This is not the same thing as a vote of confidence in your former employer, nor an admission that your original emotional/business decision was misplaced. However, much could depend on if the dog has changed its spots; them not you.

22nd May 2015, 07:22
People I'm an ex-FR returning to FR soon. Not from NAS mind you.

From my prospective I had a choice to return for various reasons. Ultimately I was unhappy with my new move. Ryanair isn't perfect, but if you could mention just one airline that hasn't been mentioned on Pprune in a negative light well I'll eat my hat. Every airline has its pros and cons.

I enjoyed Ryanair, I left for personal circumstances. I'm looking forward to have gotten an Irish base which is full of really nice guys, 5-4 roster, plenty of experience, and home every night. Plus the pay could be worse. T&C's could be better of course, yet it also could be worse. I've taken a home based lifestyle instead of a nice sterling contract which has me commuting every week. Pluses and minuses! If you're not happy just leave/ don't apply!

Work-life balance. Now before the haters start quoting aspects of my comment and slating it. Just remember like you I'm entitled to my opinion. I just feel if Ryanair saves you from going on the welfare or working in a place that cuts your contract without notice for the winter months. Well thank them!

24th May 2015, 07:01
It would be geat if someone could shed some light on this.

As always much appreciated. :ok:


Doors to Automatic
24th May 2015, 10:45
So I am assuming that on average FR pilots fly 180 days per year with an average day of 5 block hours. Have I got my maths correct?

24th May 2015, 11:23

Actual pay after Tax comparison

Perhaps there might be slight differences somewhere, but generally in Europe can be said: If you join as a contractor, you should pay:

Social contributions in the country where you are based
Income taxes in Ireland + a 'top-up' in your country of residence if local taxes are higher than Ireland.

It seems like most contractors still being charged the USC (Universal Social Charge) rate in Ireland, whether they like it or not.

If you join on a Ryanair contract, your employer should pay the social taxes where you are based. The income taxes will be drawn in Ireland. Additional taxation may again be applicable in your country of residence to 'top-up' to the local rate.