View Full Version : Puzzling e-mail problem

11th Jun 2002, 03:11
I use Netscape mail and normally, when I view an e-mail in my inbox, it is automatically marked as "read". This is indicated by the font changing from Bold to normal
I have been receiving e-mail from a friend for several years now with no problem. Recently the e-mails that he has been sending refuse to mark as read when I open them. All other inbound messages behave normally
This is not really a problem, just a minor annoyance. The message can be manually marked as read.

Any ideas guys?? http://home.netvigator.com/~pashford/images/hdst.gif

Edited for poor typing - I need a froof reader !

11th Jun 2002, 13:23
No idea at all, off hand. You can email me (privately, not on the board) the full headers of the messages, not the body text, if you like, and I'll take a look at them to see if Ican spot anything unusual.

12th Jun 2002, 00:43
Havne't used Netscape for some time however OE has a tickable option (Tools/Options/Read - Reading Messages) for "Mark message read after XX seconds".

Perhaps there is such a feature in Netscape.
