View Full Version : Kabul and Lahore as Oxygen alternates

9th Apr 2015, 11:19
Just curious to get any information on operating in / out of Lahore or Kabul - my company use them as diversions on oxygen escape routes to satisfy the restrictions of the PAX oxygen system. Some folk reckon it's more dangerous to land in these places than it is to fly on an extra 10 mins with a cabin alt of 16000'.. Anyone have any experience operating to these places with an insight on the treatment we might expect as a western airline diverting here should the worst happen?

9th Apr 2015, 11:50
Used to operate into Kabul on a weekly basis. You can expect friendly handling and relatively normal ops for the region. Never had any issues. FlyDubai operate into Kabul and have done for a while. Can't offer any advice for Lahore but wouldn't have thought it would be any different, probably better. Just make contact with a local handling agent in case of any eventuality. It will make things easier should the worst happen.

9th Apr 2015, 16:50
Lahore is a very normal airport - considering the region. Kabul might require PPR (even as alternate), beware of very expensive fuel as well.

18th Apr 2015, 20:34
I would want to do some route study of Kabul before going in there on oxygen, especially if the radar was on maintainance which it is twice a week according to the AIP.

One of the higher risk airfields due to terrain and non standard descent and missed approach gradients.

Operated to Kabul a lot.