View Full Version : INDIAN RTR RULE ? Please explain someone. Help Needed.

11th Mar 2015, 01:00
While submitting DGCA license for conversion .
Do I Need a Valid INDIAN RTR (A) or the Result copy will do? My hours will start lapsing from July, And I will be returning to India with Canadian RTR and CPL on May . On submitting my RTR and CPL to WPC , will they give me any receipt ? and can i submit my paperwork with that? or i have to wait for till they give me the hard copy :( :ugh:
Or in another scenario, if i return with UK RTR , and sit for chennai exam and hopefully clear the part one! can i submit my conversion paperwork to DGCA with the results which will come within 20 days ? or I have to wait for the hard copy of RTR(P) ? :\:\

please help me guys . I need to put down the papers before july 22nd in DGCA in order to save my hours from lapsing . Any way out? :uhoh::uhoh:

11th Mar 2015, 08:28
You don't need to wait till may . Send in all the required documents to WPC right away along with your Canadian PPL (If you already have your CPL, then send it). This is what I had done a few years ago, I got my RTR(P) within a month of applying.

14th Mar 2015, 04:21
No need to wait for the hard copy of RTR(P).
You can submit your application for conversion of foreign license to DGCA, along with the receipt of submission from WPC (challan).

You will have to mention that on the application to DGCA. DGCA will send you a letter of shortcoming regarding pending RTR(P). Your conversion will be processed after you submit the RTR(P) hard copy from WPC. This does not affect the date of submission for conversion.

There is a circular about this. http://www.dgca.nic.in/circular/FCL3_2010.pdf